onScreenview static method

Future<void> onScreenview(
  1. String tlType,
  2. String logicalPageName, [
  3. List<Map<String, dynamic>>? layoutParameters

Triggers a screen view event in the app. The event can be a load, unload or visit event.

The tlType argument should be a string representing the type of screen transition:

  • "LOAD" for when the screen is being loaded,
  • "UNLOAD" for when the screen is being unloaded,
  • "VISIT" for when the screen is visited.

The layoutParameters is an optional list of maps where each map has a String key and dynamic value. It can be used to pass extra parameters related to the screen transition.

Throws a TealeafException if the provided tlType argument is not one of the allowed types or when the native platform throws a PlatformException.


static Future<void> onScreenview(String tlType, String logicalPageName,
    [List<Map<String, dynamic>>? layoutParameters]) async {
  try {
    if (["LOAD", "UNLOAD", "VISIT"].contains(tlType)) {
      // Send the screen view event to -the native side
      return await _channel.invokeMethod('screenview', <dynamic, dynamic>{
        'tlType': tlType,
        'logicalPageName': logicalPageName,
        'layoutParameters': layoutParameters

    throw TealeafException.create(
        code: 2, msg: 'Illegal screenview transition type');
  } on PlatformException catch (pe) {
    throw TealeafException(pe,
        msg: 'Unable to process screen view (update) message!');