catchForLogging static method

void catchForLogging(
  1. Widget appWidget


static void catchForLogging(Widget appWidget) {
  tlLogger.v('Running app widget: ${appWidget.runtimeType.toString()}');

  runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>(() async {
  }, (dynamic e, StackTrace stackTrace) {
        'Uncaught Exception: ${e.toString()}\nstackTrace: ${stackTrace.toString()}');

    final Map<String, dynamic> data = {};
    bool isLogException = false;

    if (e is PlatformException) {
      final PlatformException pe = e;
      data["nativecode"] = pe.code;
      data["nativemessage"] = pe.message ?? "";
      data["nativestacktrace"] = pe.stacktrace ?? "";
      data["message"] = e.toString();
    } else if (e is TealeafException) {
      final TealeafException te = e;

      data["nativecode"] = te.code ?? '';
      data["nativemessage"] = te.getNativeMsg ?? '';
      data["nativestacktrace"] = te.getNativeDetails ?? '';
      data["message"] = te.getMsg ?? '';
      isLogException =
          te.getMsg?.contains(TealeafException.logErrorMsg) ?? false;
    } else {
      String message = "";
      try {
        message = e.message ?? "";
      } on NoSuchMethodError {
        // TypeErrors, for example, do not have messages. But, let's try to
        // grab any that do have messages.
        tlLogger.v('No message with this type of Flutter exception');
      data["message"] = message;

    data["name"] = e.runtimeType.toString();
    data["stacktrace"] = stackTrace.toString();
    data["handled"] = false;

    // Prevent recursive calls if exception message can not be processed!!
    if (isLogException) {
      tlLogger.v("Not logging an uncaught log exception message");
    } else {
      PluginTealeaf.onTlException(data: data);