setAutoRestart static method

Future<void> setAutoRestart(
  1. AppControl appControl

Enables the auto restart setting.

Calling this API makes the current app be automatically restarted upon termination. The given appControl is passed to the restarting app.

This API is for platform developers only. The app must be signed with a platform-level certificate to use this API.


static Future<void> setAutoRestart(AppControl appControl) async {
  await appControl._setAppControlData();

  final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{'id': appControl._id};
  final int? handleAddress =
      await _methodChannel.invokeMethod<int>('getHandle', args);
  final Pointer<Void> handle = Pointer<Void>.fromAddress(handleAddress!);

  final int ret = appControlSetAutoRestart(handle);
  if (ret != 0) {
    final String message = getErrorMessage(ret).toDartString();
    throw PlatformException(code: ret.toString(), message: message);