requestApplePayPayment method
Requests Apple Pay payment. Returns payment token that you can use for TipTopPay payment by a cryptogram.
- your Apple Pay merchant id. You have to create it in your Apple Developer Account before.
- Currency code. For example 'RUB'.
- Country code. For example 'RU'.
- List of products. It will be shown in Apple Pay window. Each product consists of a name and price.
The price must use '.' decimal separator, not ','. Apple Pay uses the last item in the list
as the grand total for the purchase.
{"name": "Red apple", "price": "170"},
{"name": "Mango", "price": "250.50"},
{"name": "Delivery", "price": "100"},
{"name": "Discount", "price": "-89.90"},
{"name": "Total", "price": "430.60"},
Returns ApplePayResponse. You have to check whether response is success and if so, you can obtain
payment token by response.token
if (response.isSuccess) {
final token = response.token;
// use token for payment by a cryptogram
} else if (response.isError) {
// show error
} else if (response.isCanceled) {
// apple pay was canceled
Future<ApplePayResponse> requestApplePayPayment({
required String merchantId,
required String currencyCode,
required String countryCode,
required List<Map<String, String>> products,
}) async {
if (Platform.isIOS) {
try {
final dynamic result =
await _channel.invokeMethod<dynamic>('requestApplePayPayment', {
'merchantId': merchantId,
'currencyCode': currencyCode,
'countryCode': countryCode,
'products': products,
return ApplePayResponse.fromResult(result);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
return ApplePayResponse.fromPlatformException(e);
} catch (e) {
return ApplePayResponse.fromException();
} else {
throw Exception("Apple Pay is allowed only on iOS");