TipTopPay SDK for Flutter

A Flutter plugin for integrating TipTopPay payments in Android and iOS applications.


  • X Check the validity of the card's parameters.
  • X Generate card cryptogram packet.
  • X Show 3ds dialog.

Getting Started

Initializing for Android

If you want to show 3ds dialog on Android, make MainActivity implements FlutterFragmentActivity instead of FlutterActivity


import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterFragmentActivity

class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity() {}


  • Check card number validity.
bool isValid = await TipTopPaySdk.isValidNumber(cardNumber);
  • Check card expire date.
bool isValid = await TipTopPaySdk.isValidExpireDate(cardNumber); // MM/yy
  • Generate card cryptogram packet. You need to get your publicId from your personal account and you need apiUrl (for example: https://api.tiptoppay.kz/)
final cryptogram = await TipTopPaySdk.createHexPacketFromData(
  • Showing 3DS form and get results of 3DS auth.
final result = await TipTopPaySdk.show3ds(

Apple Pay

  • Create instance of TipTopPayApplePay.
final applePay = TipTopPayApplePay();
  • Check whether Apple Pay is available on this device and can process payment requests.
final isApplePayAvailable = await applePay.isApplePayAvailable();
  • Request payment.
final paymentToken = await applePay.requestApplePayPayment(
    merchantId: 'merchant.com.YOURDOMAIN',
    currencyCode: 'KZT',
    countryCode: 'KAZ',
    products: [
        {"name": "Red apple", "price": "170"},
        {"name": "Mango", "price": "250.50"},
        {"name": "Delivery", "price": "100"},
        {"name": "Discount", "price": "-89.90"},
        {"name": "Total", "price": "430.60"},

Now you can use paymentToken for payment by a cryptogram.

Google Pay

  • Create instance of TipTopPayGooglePay. Pass Google Pay Evironemnt (test or production) into constructor.
final googlePay = TipTopPayGooglePay(GooglePayEnvironment.production);
  • Check whether Google Pay is available on this device and can process payment requests.
final isGooglePayAvailable = await googlePay.isGooglePayAvailable();
  • Request payment.
final result = await googlePay.requestGooglePayPayment(
    price: '123.45',
    currencyCode: 'KZT',
    countryCode: 'KAZ',
    merchantName: 'Example Merchant',
    publicId: 'test_api_00000000000000000000002',

if (result != null) {
    if (result.isSuccess) {
      final paymentToken = result.token;

Now you can use paymentToken for payment by a cryptogram.