A Dart library of the Tin Can API (also known as xAPI)
For more information about the Tin Can API visit:
In your pubspec.yaml
tincan: ^2.1.2
Sample Usage:
In your code:
import 'package:tincan/tincan.dart';
final lrs = RemoteLRS(
endpoint: 'https://my.lrs.provider',
username: 'account key or user name',
password: 'account secret or password',
final statement = Statement(
actor: Agent(
mbox: 'mailto:person@doingsomething.com',
name: 'Test Agent',
verb: Verb(
id: 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/experienced',
display: {'en-US': 'experienced'},
object: Activity(
id: 'http://tincanapi.com/TinCanDart/Test/Unit/0',
definition: ActivityDefinition(
type: 'http://id.tincanapi.com/activitytype/unit-test',
name: {'en-US': 'TinCanDart Tests: Unit 0'},
description: {
'en-US': 'Unit test 0 in the test suite for the Tin Can Dart library.'