
A versatile and developer-friendly Flutter package for creating and managing timers based on current DateTime. A timer with multiple listeners, synchronized with the current time. It supports millisecond updates, progress tracking (0 to 1), formatted time output, and timer status monitoring, circular timer widgets circular progress and pie. As well as time ago and time left.

Timer Listeners

  • statusListener: timer status listener notStartedYet, started, ended, reset, clear

  • timeListener: formatted time listener HH:MM:SS:ms

  • millisecondsListener: timer listener value in milliseconds

  • progress0to1Listener: timer progress 0 to 1 listener

Timer Controller

TimerFController controller = TimerFController();

  • controller.reset()

  • controller.pause()

  • controller.resume()

  • controller.clear()

  • controller.dispose()

  • controller.controller.stream: listen formatted time using StreamBuilder

Get Time Ago/Left

Time Ago

final DateTime pastDateTime = DateTime.parse('2024-08-27 23:31:15.000');
String timeagoStr = TimeF.timeAgo(pastDateTime, formate: TimeAgoFormate(second: "## sec'# ago", week: "## week'# ago"), 
  listenerDateTimeF: (dtf) {
    log(" Ago DateTimeF Listener: ${dtf.toString()}"); // Ago DateTimeF Listener: DateTimeF(year: 0, month: 2, week: 3, day: 3, hour: 1, minute: 1, second: 10)

log(timeagoStr); // 2 months ago

Time Left

final DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.parse('2024-11-26 23:31:15.000');
String timeExpireStr = TimeF.timeLeft(futureDateTime, formate: TimeLeftFormate(hour: "Offer expire in ## hour'#", day: "Offer expire in ## day'#"), 
  listenerDateTimeF: (dtf) {
    log("Left DateTimeF Listener: ${dtf.toString()}"); // Left DateTimeF Listener: DateTimeF(year: 0, month: 0, week: 0, day: 6, hour: 22, minute: 58, second: 49)

log(timeExpireStr); // Offer expire in 6 days


hour: "Offer expire in ## hour'#", // Result: Offer expire in 8 hours
month: "updated ## month'# ago", // Result: updated last 1 month ago


late TimerFController _timerFController;
_timerFController = TimerFController(
    startTime: DateTime.now().add(
        const Duration(seconds: 18)), // --timer will be start after `18 sec`
    duration: const Duration(minutes: 8),
    timeFormate: "MM:SS:ms",
    listeningDelay: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
    statusListener: (status) {
    log("timer: --status: $status");
    isCountdown: true,
    millisecondsListener: (pms) {
    log("timer: --ms: $pms");
    progress0to1Listener: (progress) {
    log("timer: --progress: $progress");
    timeListener: (value) {
    log("timer: --time: $value");
    stream: _timerFController.controller.stream,
    builder: (context, snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.hasData) {
        return Text(snapshot.data ?? '',
            style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.black));
        } else {
        return const Text("not started",
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black));

Circular progress and pie type timer widget builder

  isPieShape: false,
  timerControllerValues: TimerControllerValues(
      listeningDelay: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
      timeFormate: "MM:SS",
      isCountdown: true,
      duration: const Duration(minutes: 5),
      statusListener: (status) {
        log("Timer status: $status");
      controller: (controller) {
        timerFController = controller;
  radius: 60,
  decoraton: CircularTimerDecoraton(
    fillColor: Colors.transparent,
    progressBackgroundColor: Colors.grey.withAlpha((255.0 * 0.2).round()),
    prgressThickness: 12,
        const MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.inner, 11.5),
    progressColors: const [Colors.blue],
    // progressShadow: ProgressShadow(
    //     color: Colors.red, opacity: 0.5, blur: 9.8, spreadRadius: 18),
  builder: (BuildContext context, value, progress) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
      children: [
          value ?? '',
          style: const TextStyle(
            fontSize: 38,
            color: Colors.black,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
        const Text(
          style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 14,
            color: Colors.black,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.w800,

