DashedLineConnector constructor

const DashedLineConnector({
  1. Key? key,
  2. Axis? direction,
  3. double? thickness,
  4. double? dash,
  5. double? gap,
  6. double? space,
  7. double? indent,
  8. double? endIndent,
  9. Color? color,
  10. Color? gapColor,

Creates a dashed line connector.

The thickness, space, indent, and endIndent must be null or non-negative.


const DashedLineConnector({
  Key? key,
  Axis? direction,
  double? thickness,
  double? space,
  double? indent,
  double? endIndent,
  Color? color,
}) : super(
        key: key,
        direction: direction,
        thickness: thickness,
        space: space,
        indent: indent,
        endIndent: endIndent,
        color: color,