getSlotTimesListMap method

Map<String, List<DateTime>> getSlotTimesListMap({
  1. required List<DateTime> listDates,


Map<String, List<DateTime>> getSlotTimesListMap({
  required List<DateTime> listDates,
}) {
  final Map<String, List<DateTime>> slotTimes = {
    "morning": [],
    "afternoon": [],
    "evening": [],
    "night": []

  for (final element in listDates) {
    /// get day part of time
    final DayParts? dayPart = getDayPartOfTime(time: element);
    if (dayPart != null) {
      /// get day part name of time
      final String dayPartName = getDayPartName(dayPart: dayPart);

      /// full map of slot
      final List<DateTime> list = [element];
      if (slotTimes[dayPartName] != null &&
          slotTimes[dayPartName]!.isNotEmpty) {

      slotTimes[dayPartName] = list;

  return slotTimes;