ZonedDateTime constructor

  1. Instant instant = Instant.unixEpoch,
  2. DateTimeZone? zone,
  3. CalendarSystem? calendar

Initializes a new instance of ZonedDateTime in the specified time zone and the ISO or specified calendar.

  • instant: The instant.
  • zone: The time zone.
  • calendar: The calendar system, defaulting to ISO.


factory ZonedDateTime([Instant instant = Instant.unixEpoch, DateTimeZone? zone, CalendarSystem? calendar]) {
  // zone = Preconditions.checkNotNull(zone, 'zone');
  var _zone = zone ?? DateTimeZone.utc;
  var _offsetDateTime = IOffsetDateTime.fromInstant(instant, _zone.getUtcOffset(instant), calendar);
  return ZonedDateTime._(_offsetDateTime, _zone);