calendarDate property

LocalDate calendarDate

Gets the nanosecond of this offset date and time within the day, in the range 0 to 86,399,999,999,999 inclusive. Gets the local date represented by this offset date and time.

The returned LocalDate will have the same calendar system and return the same values for each of the date-based calendar properties (Year, MonthOfYear and so on), but will not have any offset information.


//int get nanosecondOfDay => _nanosecondOfDay;

/// Gets the local date represented by this offset date and time.
/// The returned [LocalDate]
/// will have the same calendar system and return the same values for each of the date-based calendar
/// properties (Year, MonthOfYear and so on), but will not have any offset information.
LocalDate get calendarDate => localDateTime.calendarDate;