Offset.hoursAndMinutes constructor

  1. int hours,
  2. int minutes

Returns an offset for the specified number of hours and minutes.

The result simply takes the hours and minutes and converts each component into milliseconds separately. As a result, a negative offset should usually be obtained by making both arguments negative. For example, to obtain 'three hours and ten minutes behind UTC' you might call Offset.hoursAndMinutes(-3, -10).

  • hours: The number of hours to represent in the new offset.
  • minutes: The number of minutes to represent in the new offset.

Returns: An offset representing the given value.

RangeError: The result of the operation is outside the range of Offset.


factory Offset.hoursAndMinutes(int hours, int minutes) =>
    Offset(hours * TimeConstants.secondsPerHour + minutes * TimeConstants.secondsPerMinute);