next method

LocalDate next(
  1. DayOfWeek targetDayOfWeek

Returns the next LocalDate falling on the specified DayOfWeek. This is a strict 'next' - if this date on already falls on the target day of the week, the returned value will be a week later.

  • targetDayOfWeek: The ISO day of the week to return the next date of.

Returns: The next LocalDate falling on the specified day of the week.

  • InvalidOperationException: The underlying calendar doesn't use ISO days of the week.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException: targetDayOfWeek is not a valid day of the week (Monday to Sunday).


LocalDate next(DayOfWeek targetDayOfWeek)
  // Avoids boxing...
  if (targetDayOfWeek < DayOfWeek.monday || targetDayOfWeek > DayOfWeek.sunday)
    throw RangeError('targetDayOfWeek');
  // This will throw the desired exception for calendars with different week systems.
  DayOfWeek thisDay = dayOfWeek;
  int difference = targetDayOfWeek - thisDay;
  if (difference <= 0)
    difference += 7;
  return addDays(difference);