clamp method

Duration clamp({
  1. Duration? min,
  2. Duration? max,

Returns this Duration clamped to be in the range min-max.

The comparison is done using compareTo.

The arguments min and max must form a valid range where min.compareTo(max) <= 0.


var result = Duration(days: 10, hours: 12).clamp(
  min: Duration(days: 5),
  max: Duration(days: 10),
); // Duration(days: 10)
result = Duration(hours: 18).clamp(
  min: Duration(days: 5),
  max: Duration(days: 10),
); // Duration(days: 5)
result = Duration(days: 0).clamp(
  min: Duration(days: -5),
  max: Duration(days: 5),
); // Duration(days: 0)


Duration clamp({Duration? min, Duration? max}) {
    ((min != null) && (max != null)) ? min.compareTo(max) <= 0 : true,
    'Duration min has to be shorter than max\n(min: $min - max: $max)',
  if ((min != null) && compareTo(min).isNegative) {
    return min;
  } else if ((max != null) && max.compareTo(this).isNegative) {
    return max;
  return this;