onChange property

ValueChanged<LocationMessage> onChange

The onChange(LocationMessage) callback after users finish choosing the location. 【Reminder】As the location message of Tencent Cloud IM only includes one string, 'desc', so the 'LocationMessage.desc' here splicing the name and address into a string. Such as: "The University of Sydney/////Camperdown NSW 2006". The splicing format can be parsed by anywhere in this plug-in. 地理位置选择完成后的onChange事件,返回一个LocationMessage,可用于发送消息。 特别说明:由于腾讯云IM位置消息仅支持传递一个desc字符串,因此此处的LocationMessage.desc将名称及地址拼接传递,格式:"腾讯大厦/////深圳市南山区深南大道10000号"。 该拼接格式可被本插件所需地方解析,请放心使用。


final ValueChanged<LocationMessage> onChange;