getDayFromTibetan static method

TibetanCalendar getDayFromTibetan(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> _a



static TibetanCalendar getDayFromTibetan(Map<String, dynamic> _a) {
  var year = _a['year'],
      month = _a['month'],
      _b = _a['isLeapMonth'],
      //todo checek leap
      isLeapMonth = _b == null ? false : _b,
      day = _a['day'],
      _c = _a['isLeapDay'],
      //todo checek leap
      isLeapDay = _c == null ? false : _c;
  var julianDate = julianFromTibetan(year, month, isLeapMonth, day);

  /// also calculate the Julian date of the previous Tib. day
  var monthCount = monthCountFromTibetan({
    'year': year,
    'month': month,
    'isLeapMonth': isLeapMonth,
  var dayBefore = getDayBefore(day, monthCount);
  var julianDatePrevious =
      (trueDateFromMonthCountDay(dayBefore['day'], dayBefore['monthCount']))
  // var twoDaysBefore = getDayBefore(dayBefore['day'], dayBefore['monthCount']);
  // var julianDate2DaysBefore = (trueDateFromMonthCountDay(
  //         twoDaysBefore['day'], twoDaysBefore['monthCount']))
  //     .floor();

  /// figure out leap months, leap days & skipped days
  // var isDoubledMonthThis = isDoubledMonth(year, month);
  var hasLeapDayThis = julianDate == julianDatePrevious + 2;
  // var skippedDay = julianDate == julianDatePrevious;
  // var isPreviousSkipped = julianDatePrevious == julianDate2DaysBefore;
  var isLeapDayChecked = isLeapDay && hasLeapDayThis;

  /// figure out western date info for the main or leap day
  if (isLeapDayChecked) {
  //get nixdate from julian
  //var westernDate = unixFromJulian(julianDate);
  return TibetanCalendar(
      year: year,
      month: month,
      day: day,
      isLeapDay: isLeapDayChecked,
      isLeapMonth: isLeapMonth);
  /*return {
    'year': year,
    'month': {
      'month': month,
      'isLeapMonth': isLeapMonth && isDoubledMonthThis,
      'isDoubledMonth': isDoubledMonthThis,
    'day': day,
    'skippedDay': skippedDay,
    'isPreviousSkipped': isPreviousSkipped,
    'isLeapDay': isLeapDayChecked,
    'isDoubledDay': hasLeapDayThis,
    'westernDate': 'westernDate',