update method

dynamic update()


update() {


  var matrixWorld = object.matrixWorld;

  var position = geometry!.attributes["position"];

  BufferGeometry? objGeometry = object.geometry;

  if (objGeometry != null) {
    var objPos = objGeometry.attributes["position"];

    var objNorm = objGeometry.attributes["normal"];

    var idx = 0;

    // for simplicity, ignore index and drawcalls, and render every normal

    for (var j = 0, jl = objPos.count; j < jl; j++) {
      _v1.fromBufferAttribute(objPos, j).applyMatrix4(matrixWorld);

      _v2.fromBufferAttribute(objNorm, j);


      position.setXYZ(idx, _v1.x, _v1.y, _v1.z);

      idx = idx + 1;

      position.setXYZ(idx, _v2.x, _v2.y, _v2.z);

      idx = idx + 1;

  position.needsUpdate = true;