zRotate method

dynamic zRotate(
  1. dynamic point,
  2. dynamic angle

Rotate camera around its direction axis passing by a given point by a given angle @param {Vector3} point The point where the rotation axis is passing trough @param {Number} angle Angle in radians @returns The computed transormation matix


zRotate(point, angle) {
  _rotationMatrix.makeRotationAxis(_rotationAxis, angle);
  _translationMatrix.makeTranslation(-point.x, -point.y, -point.z);

  _m4_1.makeTranslation(point.x, point.y, point.z);

  _v3_1.setFromMatrixPosition(_gizmoMatrixState).sub(point); //vector from rotation center to gizmos position
  _v3_2.copy(_v3_1).applyAxisAngle(_rotationAxis, angle); //apply rotation

  _m4_2.makeTranslation(_v3_2.x, _v3_2.y, _v3_2.z);

  setTransformationMatrices(_m4_1, _m4_2);
  return _transformation;