makeGizmos method

dynamic makeGizmos(
  1. dynamic tbCenter,
  2. dynamic tbRadius

Creates the rotation gizmos matching trackball center and radius @param {Vector3} tbCenter The trackball center @param {number} tbRadius The trackball radius


makeGizmos(tbCenter, tbRadius) {
  var curve = EllipseCurve(0, 0, tbRadius, tbRadius);
  var points = curve.getPoints(_curvePts);

  var curveGeometry = BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);

  var curveMaterialX = LineBasicMaterial({'color': 0xff8080, 'fog': false, 'transparent': true, 'opacity': 0.6});
  var curveMaterialY = LineBasicMaterial({'color': 0x80ff80, 'fog': false, 'transparent': true, 'opacity': 0.6});
  var curveMaterialZ = LineBasicMaterial({'color': 0x8080ff, 'fog': false, 'transparent': true, 'opacity': 0.6});

  var gizmoX = Line(curveGeometry, curveMaterialX);
  var gizmoY = Line(curveGeometry, curveMaterialY);
  var gizmoZ = Line(curveGeometry, curveMaterialZ);

  var rotation = Math.pi * 0.5;
  gizmoX.rotation.x = rotation;
  gizmoY.rotation.y = rotation;

  //setting state
  _gizmoMatrixState0.identity().setPosition(tbCenter.x, tbCenter.y, tbCenter.z);

  if (camera.zoom != 1) {
    //adapt gizmos size to camera zoom
    var size = 1 / camera.zoom;
    _scaleMatrix.makeScale(size, size, size);
    _translationMatrix.makeTranslation(-tbCenter.x, -tbCenter.y, -tbCenter.z);

    _translationMatrix.makeTranslation(tbCenter.x, tbCenter.y, tbCenter.z);

  _gizmoMatrixState.decompose(_gizmos.position, _gizmos.quaternion, _gizmos.scale);

