InstancedFlow class

A helper class for creating instanced versions of flow, where the instances are placed on the curve.



InstancedFlow(dynamic count, dynamic curveCount, dynamic geometry, dynamic material)
    • @param {number} count The number of instanced elements
      • @param {number} curveCount The number of curves to preallocate for
      • @param {Geometry} geometry The geometry to use for the instanced mesh
      • @param {Material} material The material to use for the instanced mesh
  • factory
    InstancedFlow.create(dynamic mesh, dynamic curveCount)


    curveArray List
    getter/setter pairinherited
    curveLengthArray List
    getter/setter pairinherited
    hashCode int
    The hash code for this object.
    no setterinherited
    object3D ↔ Mesh
    getter/setter pairoverride
    offsets List<int>
    getter/setter pair
    runtimeType Type
    A representation of the runtime type of the object.
    no setterinherited
    splineTexure ↔ DataTexture
    getter/setter pairinherited
    uniforms Map<String, dynamic>
    getter/setter pairinherited
    whichCurve List<int>
    getter/setter pair


    moveAlongCurve(dynamic amount) → dynamic
    moveIndividualAlongCurve(dynamic index, int offset) → dynamic
  • Move an individual element along the curve by a specific amount *
    • @param {number} index Which element to update
      • @param {number} offset Move by how much
  • noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
    Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
    setCurve(dynamic index, dynamic curveNo) → dynamic
  • Select which curve to use for an element *
    • @param {number} index the index of the instanced element to update
      • @param {number} curveNo the index of the curve it should use
  • toString() String
    A string representation of this object.
    updateCurve(dynamic index, dynamic curve) → dynamic
    writeChanges(dynamic index) → dynamic
  • The extra information about which curve and curve position is stored in the translation components of the matrix for the instanced objects
    • This writes that information to the matrix and marks it as needing update. *
      • @param {number} index of the instanced element to update
  • Operators

    operator ==(Object other) bool
    The equality operator.