createLight method

dynamic createLight(
  1. dynamic relationships


createLight( relationships ) {

	var model;
	var lightAttribute;

	relationships.children.forEach( ( child ) {

		var attr = fbxTree.Objects["NodeAttribute"][ child["ID"] ];

		if ( attr != null ) {

			lightAttribute = attr;


	} );

	if ( lightAttribute == null ) {

		model = new Object3D();

	} else {

		var type;

		// LightType can be null for Point lights
		if ( lightAttribute.LightType == null ) {

			type = 0;

		} else {

			type = lightAttribute.LightType.value;


		var color = Color.fromHex(0xffffff);

		if ( lightAttribute.Color != null ) {

			color = new Color().fromArray( lightAttribute.Color.value );


		var intensity = ( lightAttribute.Intensity == null ) ? 1 : lightAttribute.Intensity.value / 100;

		// light disabled
		if ( lightAttribute.CastLightOnObject != null && lightAttribute.CastLightOnObject.value == 0 ) {

			intensity = 0;


		double distance = 0.0;
		if ( lightAttribute.FarAttenuationEnd != null ) {

			if ( lightAttribute.EnableFarAttenuation != null && lightAttribute.EnableFarAttenuation.value == 0 ) {

				distance = 0.0;

			} else {

				distance = lightAttribute.FarAttenuationEnd.value;



		// TODO: could this be calculated linearly from FarAttenuationStart to FarAttenuationEnd?
		double decay = 1.0;

		switch ( type ) {

			case 0: // Point
				model = new PointLight( color, intensity, distance, decay );

			case 1: // Directional
				model = new DirectionalLight( color, intensity );

			case 2: // Spot
				num angle = Math.PI / 3;

				if ( lightAttribute.InnerAngle != null ) {

					angle = MathUtils.degToRad( lightAttribute.InnerAngle.value );


				num penumbra = 0;
				if ( lightAttribute.OuterAngle != null ) {

					// TODO: this is not correct - FBX calculates outer and inner angle in degrees
					// with OuterAngle > InnerAngle && OuterAngle <= Math.PI
					// while three.js uses a penumbra between (0, 1) to attenuate the inner angle
					penumbra = MathUtils.degToRad( lightAttribute.OuterAngle.value );
					penumbra = Math.max( penumbra, 1 );


				model = new SpotLight( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay );

				print( 'THREE.FBXLoader: Unknown light type ${lightAttribute.LightType.value}, defaulting to a PointLight.' );
				model = new PointLight( color, intensity );


		if ( lightAttribute.CastShadows != null && lightAttribute.CastShadows.value == 1 ) {

			model.castShadow = true;



	return model;
