buildSkeleton method

dynamic buildSkeleton(
  1. dynamic relationships,
  2. dynamic skeletons,
  3. dynamic id,
  4. dynamic name,


buildSkeleton( relationships, skeletons, id, name ) {

	var bone = null;

	relationships["parents"].forEach( ( parent ) {

		for ( var ID in skeletons.keys ) {

			var skeleton = skeletons[ ID ];

			skeleton["rawBones"].asMap().forEach( ( i, rawBone ) {

				if ( rawBone["ID"] == parent["ID"] ) {

					var subBone = bone;
					bone = new Bone();

					bone.matrixWorld.copy( rawBone["transformLink"] );

					// set name and id here - otherwise in cases where "subBone" is created it will not have a name / id = name != null ? PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( name ) : ''; = id;

            if( skeleton["bones"].length <= i ) {

              final boneList = List<Bone>.filled((i + 1) - skeleton["bones"].length, Bone());

              skeleton["bones"].addAll( boneList );

            skeleton["bones"][ i ] = bone;

					// In cases where a bone is shared between multiple meshes
					// duplicate the bone here and and it as a child of the first bone
					if ( subBone != null ) {

						bone.add( subBone );



			} );


	} );

	return bone;
