ArcballControls class

@param {Camera} camera Virtual camera used in the scene @param {HTMLElement} domElement Renderer's dom element @param {Scene} scene The scene to be rendered

Mixed-in types
  • EventDispatcher


ArcballControls(dynamic camera, dynamic listenableKey, [dynamic scene = null, dynamic devicePixelRatio = 1.0])


adjustNearFar bool
getter/setter pair
camera ↔ Camera
getter/setter pair
cursorZoom bool
getter/setter pair
dampingFactor int
getter/setter pair
domElement DomLikeListenableState
no setter
enableAnimations bool
getter/setter pair
enabled bool
getter/setter pair
enableGizmos bool
getter/setter pair
enableGrid bool
getter/setter pair
enablePan bool
getter/setter pair
enableRotate bool
getter/setter pair
enableZoom bool
getter/setter pair
focusAnimationTime int
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
listenableKey GlobalKey<DomLikeListenableState>
getter/setter pair
maxDistance double
getter/setter pair
maxFov double
getter/setter pair
maxZoom double
getter/setter pair
minDistance double
getter/setter pair
minFov double
getter/setter pair
minZoom double
getter/setter pair
mouseActions List
getter/setter pair
radiusFactor double
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scaleFactor double
getter/setter pair
scene ↔ Scene?
getter/setter pair
scope OrbitControls
getter/setter pair
target ↔ Vector3
getter/setter pair
wMax int
getter/setter pair


activateGizmos(dynamic isActive) → dynamic
  • Make rotation gizmos more or less visible
    • @param {Boolean} isActive If true, make gizmos more visible
  • addEventListener(String type, Function listener) → void
    applyTransformMatrix(dynamic transformation) → dynamic
  • Apply a transformation matrix, to the camera and gizmos
    • @param {Object} transformation Object containing matrices to apply to camera and gizmos
  • calculateAngularSpeed(dynamic p0, dynamic p1, dynamic t0, dynamic t1) → dynamic
  • Calculate the angular speed
    • @param {Number} p0 Position at t0
      • @param {Number} p1 Position at t1
      • @param {Number} t0 Initial time in milliseconds
      • @param {Number} t1 Ending time in milliseconds
  • calculatePointersDistance(dynamic p0, dynamic p1) → dynamic
  • Calculate the distance between two pointers
    • @param {PointerEvent} p0 The first pointer
      • @param {PointerEvent} p1 The second pointer
      • @returns {number} The distance between the two pointers
  • calculateRotationAxis(dynamic vec1, dynamic vec2) → dynamic
  • Calculate the rotation axis as the vector perpendicular between two vectors
    • @param {Vector3} vec1 The first vector
      • @param {Vector3} vec2 The second vector
      • @returns {Vector3} The normalized rotation axis
  • calculateTbRadius(Camera camera) → dynamic
  • Calculate the trackball radius so that gizmo's diamater will be 2/3 of the minimum side of the camera frustum
    • @param {Camera} camera
      • @returns {Number} The trackball radius
  • cancelAnimationFrame(dynamic instance) → dynamic
    clearListeners() → void
    compareMouseAction(dynamic action1, dynamic action2) → dynamic
  • Compare two mouse actions
    • @param {Object} action1
      • @param {Object} action2
      • @returns {Boolean} True if action1 and action 2 are the same mouse action, false otherwise
  • copyState() → dynamic
    dispatchEvent(Event event) → void
    dispose() → dynamic
  • Remove all listeners, stop animations and clean scene
  • disposeGrid() → dynamic
  • remove the grid from the scene
  • drawGrid() → dynamic
  • Draw a grid and add it to the scene
  • easeOutCubic(dynamic t) → dynamic
  • Compute the easing out cubic function for ease out effect in animation
    • @param {Number} t The absolute progress of the animation in the bound of 0 (beginning of the) and 1 (ending of animation)
      • @returns {Number} Result of easing out cubic at time t
  • focus(dynamic point, dynamic size, [dynamic amount = 1]) → dynamic
  • Focus operation consist of positioning the point of interest in front of the camera and a slightly zoom in
    • @param {Vector3} point The point of interest
      • @param {Number} size Scale factor
      • @param {Number} amount Amount of operation to be completed (used for focus animations, default is complete full operation)
  • getAngle(dynamic p1, dynamic p2) → dynamic
  • Calculate the angle between two pointers
    • @param {PointerEvent} p1
      • @param {PointerEvent} p2
      • @returns {Number} The angle between two pointers in degrees
  • getCursorNDC(dynamic cursorX, dynamic cursorY, dynamic canvas) → dynamic
  • Calculate the cursor position in NDC
    • @param {number} x Cursor horizontal coordinate within the canvas
      • @param {number} y Cursor vertical coordinate within the canvas
      • @param {HTMLElement} canvas The canvas where the renderer draws its output
      • @returns {Vector2} Cursor normalized position inside the canvas
  • getCursorPosition(dynamic cursorX, dynamic cursorY, dynamic canvas) → dynamic
  • Calculate the cursor position inside the canvas x/y coordinates with the origin being in the center of the canvas
    • @param {Number} x Cursor horizontal coordinate within the canvas
      • @param {Number} y Cursor vertical coordinate within the canvas
      • @param {HTMLElement} canvas The canvas where the renderer draws its output
      • @returns {Vector2} Cursor position inside the canvas
  • getOpFromAction(dynamic mouse, dynamic key) → dynamic
  • Return the operation associated to a mouse/keyboard combination
    • @param {*} mouse A mouse button (0, 1, 2) or 'WHEEL' for wheel notches
      • @param {*} key The keyboard modifier ('CTRL', 'SHIFT') or null if key is not needed
      • @returns The operation if it has been found, null otherwise
  • getOpStateFromAction(dynamic mouse, dynamic key) → dynamic
  • Get the operation associated to mouse and key combination and returns the corresponding FSA state
    • @param {Number} mouse Mouse button
      • @param {String} key Keyboard modifier
      • @returns The FSA state obtained from the operation associated to mouse/keyboard combination
  • getRaycaster() → dynamic
    hasEventListener(String type, Function listener) bool
    initializeMouseActions() → dynamic
  • Set default mouse actions
  • makeGizmos(dynamic tbCenter, dynamic tbRadius) → dynamic
  • Creates the rotation gizmos matching trackball center and radius
    • @param {Vector3} tbCenter The trackball center
      • @param {number} tbRadius The trackball radius
  • noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
    Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
    onContextMenu(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onDoublePanEnd(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onDoublePanMove() → dynamic
    onDoublePanStart() → dynamic
    onDoubleTap(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onFocusAnim(dynamic time, dynamic point, dynamic cameraMatrix, dynamic gizmoMatrix) → dynamic
  • Perform animation for focus operation
    • @param {Number} time Instant in which this function is called as
      • @param {Vector3} point Point of interest for focus operation
      • @param {Matrix4} cameraMatrix Camera matrix
      • @param {Matrix4} gizmoMatrix Gizmos matrix
  • onPinchEnd(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onPinchMove() → dynamic
    onPinchStart() → dynamic
    onPointerCancel() → dynamic
    onPointerDown(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onPointerMove(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onPointerUp(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onRotateEnd(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onRotateMove() → dynamic
    onRotateStart() → dynamic
    onRotationAnim(dynamic time, dynamic rotationAxis, dynamic w0) → dynamic
  • Perform animation for rotation operation
    • @param {Number} time Instant in which this function is called as
      • @param {Vector3} rotationAxis Rotation axis
      • @param {number} w0 Initial angular velocity
  • onSinglePanEnd() → dynamic
    onSinglePanMove(dynamic event, dynamic opState) → dynamic
    onSinglePanStart(dynamic event, dynamic operation) → dynamic
    onTriplePanEnd() → dynamic
    onTriplePanMove(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onTriplePanStart(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onWheel(dynamic event) → dynamic
    onWindowResize() → dynamic
    pan(dynamic p0, dynamic p1, [dynamic adjust = false]) → dynamic
  • Perform pan operation moving camera between two points
    • @param {Vector3} p0 Initial point
      • @param {Vector3} p1 Ending point
      • @param {Boolean} adjust If movement should be adjusted considering camera distance (Perspective only)
  • pasteState() → dynamic
    removeEventListener(String type, Function listener) → void
    requestAnimationFrame(Function callback) → dynamic
    reset() → dynamic
  • Reset trackball
  • rotate(dynamic axis, dynamic angle) → dynamic
  • Rotate the camera around an axis passing by trackball's center
    • @param {Vector3} axis Rotation axis
      • @param {number} angle Angle in radians
      • @returns {Object} Object with 'camera' field containing transformation matrix resulting from the operation to be applied to the camera
  • saveState() → dynamic
  • Save the current state of the control. This can later be recover with .reset
  • scale(dynamic size, dynamic point, [dynamic scaleGizmos = true]) → dynamic
  • Perform uniform scale operation around a given point
    • @param {Number} size Scale factor
      • @param {Vector3} point Point around which scale
      • @param {Boolean} scaleGizmos If gizmos should be scaled (Perspective only)
      • @returns {Object} Object with 'camera' and 'gizmo' fields containing transformation matrices resulting from the operation to be applied to the camera and gizmos
  • setCamera(dynamic camera) → dynamic
  • Set the camera to be controlled
    • @param {Camera} camera The virtual camera to be controlled
  • setCenter(dynamic clientX, dynamic clientY) → dynamic
  • Set _center's x/y coordinates
    • @param {Number} clientX
      • @param {Number} clientY
  • setFov(dynamic value) → dynamic
  • Set camera fov
    • @param {Number} value fov to be setted
  • setGizmosVisible(dynamic value) → dynamic
  • Set gizmos visibility
    • @param {Boolean} value Value of gizmos visibility
  • setMouseAction(dynamic operation, dynamic mouse, [dynamic key = null]) → dynamic
  • Set a new mouse action by specifying the operation to be performed and a mouse/key combination. In case of conflict, replaces the existing one
    • @param {String} operation The operation to be performed ('PAN', 'ROTATE', 'ZOOM', 'FOV)
      • @param {*} mouse A mouse button (0, 1, 2) or 'WHEEL' for wheel notches
      • @param {*} key The keyboard modifier ('CTRL', 'SHIFT') or null if key is not needed
      • @returns {Boolean} True if the mouse action has been successfully added, false otherwise
  • setStateFromJSON(dynamic json) → dynamic
    setTbRadius(dynamic value) → dynamic
  • Set gizmos radius factor and redraws gizmos
    • @param {Float} value Value of radius factor
  • setTransformationMatrices([dynamic camera = null, dynamic gizmos = null]) → dynamic
  • Set values in transformation object
    • @param {Matrix4} camera Transformation to be applied to the camera
      • @param {Matrix4} gizmos Transformation to be applied to gizmos
  • toString() String
    A string representation of this object.
    unprojectOnObj(dynamic cursor, dynamic camera) → dynamic
  • Unproject the cursor on the 3D object surface
    • @param {Vector2} cursor Cursor coordinates in NDC
      • @param {Camera} camera Virtual camera
      • @returns {Vector3} The point of intersection with the model, if exist, null otherwise
  • unprojectOnTbPlane(dynamic camera, dynamic cursorX, dynamic cursorY, dynamic canvas, [dynamic initialDistance = false]) → dynamic
  • Unproject the cursor on the plane passing through the center of the trackball orthogonal to the camera
    • @param {Camera} camera The virtual camera
      • @param {Number} cursorX Cursor horizontal coordinate on screen
      • @param {Number} cursorY Cursor vertical coordinate on screen
      • @param {HTMLElement} canvas The canvas where the renderer draws its output
      • @param {Boolean} initialDistance If initial distance between camera and gizmos should be used for calculations instead of current (Perspective only)
      • @returns {Vector3} The unprojected point on the trackball plane
  • unprojectOnTbSurface(dynamic camera, dynamic cursorX, dynamic cursorY, dynamic canvas, dynamic tbRadius) → dynamic
  • Unproject the cursor on the trackball surface
    • @param {Camera} camera The virtual camera
      • @param {Number} cursorX Cursor horizontal coordinate on screen
      • @param {Number} cursorY Cursor vertical coordinate on screen
      • @param {HTMLElement} canvas The canvas where the renderer draws its output
      • @param {number} tbRadius The trackball radius
      • @returns {Vector3} The unprojected point on the trackball surface
  • unsetMouseAction(dynamic mouse, [dynamic key = null]) → dynamic
  • Remove a mouse action by specifying its mouse/key combination
    • @param {*} mouse A mouse button (0, 1, 2) or 'WHEEL' for wheel notches
      • @param {*} key The keyboard modifier ('CTRL', 'SHIFT') or null if key is not needed
      • @returns {Boolean} True if the operation has been succesfully removed, false otherwise
  • update() → dynamic
    updateMatrixState() → dynamic
  • Update camera and gizmos state
  • updateTbState(dynamic newState, dynamic updateMatrices) → dynamic
  • Update the trackball FSA
    • @param {STATE2} newState New state of the FSA
      • @param {Boolean} updateMatrices If matriices state should be updated
  • updateTouchEvent(dynamic event) → dynamic
  • Update a PointerEvent inside current pointerevents array
    • @param {PointerEvent} event
  • zRotate(dynamic point, dynamic angle) → dynamic
  • Rotate camera around its direction axis passing by a given point by a given angle
    • @param {Vector3} point The point where the rotation axis is passing trough
      • @param {Number} angle Angle in radians
      • @returns The computed transormation matix
  • Operators

    operator ==(Object other) bool
    The equality operator.