assignFinalMaterial method

dynamic assignFinalMaterial(
  1. dynamic mesh

Assigns final material to a Mesh, Line, or Points instance. The instance already has a material (generated from the glTF material options alone) but reuse of the same glTF material may require multiple threejs materials to accomodate different primitive types, defines, etc. New materials will be created if necessary, and reused from a cache. @param {Object3D} mesh Mesh, Line, or Points instance.


assignFinalMaterial(mesh) {
  var geometry = mesh.geometry;
  var material = mesh.material;

  bool useVertexTangents = geometry.attributes["tangent"] != null;
  bool useVertexColors = geometry.attributes["color"] != null;
  bool useFlatShading = geometry.attributes["normal"] == null;

  if (mesh is Points) {
    var cacheKey = 'PointsMaterial:' + material.uuid;

    var pointsMaterial = this.cache.get(cacheKey);

    if (pointsMaterial == null) {
      pointsMaterial = new PointsMaterial({});
      pointsMaterial.color.copy(material.color); =;
      pointsMaterial.sizeAttenuation =
          false; // glTF spec says points should be 1px

      this.cache.add(cacheKey, pointsMaterial);

    material = pointsMaterial;
  } else if (mesh is Line) {
    var cacheKey = 'LineBasicMaterial:' + material.uuid;

    var lineMaterial = this.cache.get(cacheKey);

    if (lineMaterial == null) {
      lineMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial({});

      this.cache.add(cacheKey, lineMaterial);

    material = lineMaterial;

  // Clone the material if it will be modified
  if (useVertexTangents || useVertexColors || useFlatShading) {
    var cacheKey = 'ClonedMaterial:' + material.uuid + ':';

    if (material.type == "GLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial")
      cacheKey += 'specular-glossiness:';
    if (useVertexTangents) cacheKey += 'vertex-tangents:';
    if (useVertexColors) cacheKey += 'vertex-colors:';
    if (useFlatShading) cacheKey += 'flat-shading:';

    var cachedMaterial = this.cache.get(cacheKey);

    if (cachedMaterial == null) {
      cachedMaterial = material.clone();

      if (useVertexTangents) cachedMaterial.vertexTangents = true;
      if (useVertexColors) cachedMaterial.vertexColors = true;
      if (useFlatShading) cachedMaterial.flatShading = true;

      this.cache.add(cacheKey, cachedMaterial);

      this.associations[cachedMaterial] = this.associations[material];

    material = cachedMaterial;

  // workarounds for mesh and geometry

  if (material.aoMap != null &&
      geometry.attributes["uv2"] == null &&
      geometry.attributes["uv"] != null) {
    geometry.setAttribute('uv2', geometry.attributes["uv"]);

  if (material.normalScale != null && !useVertexTangents) {
    material.normalScale.y = -material.normalScale.y;

  if (material.clearcoatNormalScale != null && !useVertexTangents) {
    material.clearcoatNormalScale.y = -material.clearcoatNormalScale.y;

  mesh.material = material;