intersectRay method

Vector3? intersectRay(
  1. Ray ray,
  2. Vector3 target


Vector3? intersectRay(Ray ray, Vector3 target) {
  // based on "Fast Ray-Convex Polyhedron Intersection"  by Eric Haines, GRAPHICS GEMS II

  var faces = this.faces;

  var tNear = -Math.infinity;
  var tFar = Math.infinity;

  for (var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i++) {
    var face = faces[i];

    // interpret faces as planes for the further computation

    var vN = face.distanceToPoint(ray.origin);
    var vD =;

    // if the origin is on the positive side of a plane (so the plane can "see" the origin) and
    // the ray is turned away or parallel to the plane, there is no intersection

    if (vN > 0 && vD >= 0) return null;

    // compute the distance from the ray’s origin to the intersection with the plane

    double t = (vD != 0) ? (-vN / vD) : 0;

    // only proceed if the distance is positive. a negative distance means the intersection point
    // lies "behind" the origin

    if (t <= 0) continue;

    // now categorized plane as front-facing or back-facing

    if (vD > 0) {
      //  plane faces away from the ray, so this plane is a back-face

      tFar = Math.min(t, tFar);
    } else {
      // front-face

      tNear = Math.max(t, tNear);

    if (tNear > tFar) {
      // if tNear ever is greater than tFar, the ray must miss the convex hull

      return null;

  // evaluate intersection point

  // always try tNear first since its the closer intersection point

  if (tNear != -Math.infinity) {, target);
  } else {, target);

  return target;