computeExtremes method

Map<String, List<VertexNode>> computeExtremes()


Map<String, List<VertexNode>> computeExtremes() {
  var min = Vector3.init();
  var max = Vector3.init();

  List<VertexNode> minVertices = [];
  List<VertexNode> maxVertices = [];

  var i, j;

  // initially assume that the first vertex is the min/max

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    // minVertices[ i ] = maxVertices[ i ] = this.vertices[ 0 ];


  // compute the min/max vertex on all six directions

  for (var i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i++) {
    var vertex = vertices[i];
    var point = vertex.point;

    // update the min coordinates

    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      if (point.getComponent(j) < min.getComponent(j)) {
        min.setComponent(j, point.getComponent(j));
        minVertices[j] = vertex;

    // update the max coordinates

    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      if (point.getComponent(j) > max.getComponent(j)) {
        max.setComponent(j, point.getComponent(j));
        maxVertices[j] = vertex;

  // use min/max vectors to compute an optimal epsilon

  tolerance = 3 *
      Math.epsilon *
      (Math.max<num>(Math.abs(min.x), Math.abs(max.x)) +
          Math.max(Math.abs(min.y), Math.abs(max.y)) +
          Math.max(Math.abs(min.z), Math.abs(max.z)));

  return {"min": minVertices, "max": maxVertices};