createShapes static method

dynamic createShapes(
  1. dynamic shapePath


static createShapes(shapePath) {
  // Param shapePath: a shapepath as returned by the parse function of this class
  // Returns Shape object

  const bugNumber = 99999999999999.0;

  var intersectionLocationType = {
    "ORIGIN": 0,
    "BETWEEN": 2,
    "LEFT": 3,
    "RIGHT": 4,
    "BEHIND": 5,
    "BEYOND": 6

  Map<String, dynamic> classifyResult = {"loc": intersectionLocationType["ORIGIN"], "t": 0};

  classifyPoint(p, edgeStart, edgeEnd) {
    var ax = edgeEnd.x - edgeStart.x;
    var ay = edgeEnd.y - edgeStart.y;
    var bx = p.x - edgeStart.x;
    var by = p.y - edgeStart.y;
    var sa = ax * by - bx * ay;

    if ((p.x == edgeStart.x) && (p.y == edgeStart.y)) {
      classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["ORIGIN"];
      classifyResult["t"] = 0;

    if ((p.x == edgeEnd.x) && (p.y == edgeEnd.y)) {
      classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["DESTINATION"];
      classifyResult["t"] = 1;

    if (sa < -Math.epsilon) {
      classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["LEFT"];

    if (sa > Math.epsilon) {
      classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["RIGHT"];

    if (((ax * bx) < 0) || ((ay * by) < 0)) {
      classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["BEHIND"];

    if ((Math.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay)) < (Math.sqrt(bx * bx + by * by))) {
      classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["BEYOND"];

    var t;

    if (ax != 0) {
      t = bx / ax;
    } else {
      t = by / ay;

    classifyResult["loc"] = intersectionLocationType["BETWEEN"];
    classifyResult["t"] = t;

  findEdgeIntersection(a0, a1, b0, b1) {
    var x1 = a0.x;
    var x2 = a1.x;
    var x3 = b0.x;
    var x4 = b1.x;
    var y1 = a0.y;
    var y2 = a1.y;
    var y3 = b0.y;
    var y4 = b1.y;
    var nom1 = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3);
    var nom2 = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);
    var denom = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
    var t1 = nom1 / denom;
    var t2 = nom2 / denom;

    if (((denom == 0) && (nom1 != 0)) || (t1 <= 0) || (t1 >= 1) || (t2 < 0) || (t2 > 1)) {
      //1. lines are parallel or edges don't intersect

      return null;
    } else if ((nom1 == 0) && (denom == 0)) {
      //2. lines are colinear

      //check if endpoints of edge2 (b0-b1) lies on edge1 (a0-a1)
      for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        classifyPoint(i == 0 ? b0 : b1, a0, a1);
        //find position of this endpoints relatively to edge1
        if (classifyResult["loc"] == intersectionLocationType["ORIGIN"]) {
          var point = (i == 0 ? b0 : b1);
          return {"x": point.x, "y": point.y, "t": classifyResult["t"]};
        } else if (classifyResult["loc"] == intersectionLocationType["BETWEEN"]) {
          var x = num.parse((x1 + classifyResult["t"]! * (x2 - x1)).toStringAsPrecision(10));
          var y = num.parse((y1 + classifyResult["t"]! * (y2 - y1)).toStringAsPrecision(10));
          return {"x": x, "y": y, "t": classifyResult["t"]};

      return null;
    } else {
      //3. edges intersect

      for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        classifyPoint(i == 0 ? b0 : b1, a0, a1);

        if (classifyResult["loc"] == intersectionLocationType["ORIGIN"]) {
          var point = (i == 0 ? b0 : b1);
          return {"x": point.x, "y": point.y, "t": classifyResult["t"]};

      var x = num.parse((x1 + t1 * (x2 - x1)).toStringAsPrecision(10));
      var y = num.parse((y1 + t1 * (y2 - y1)).toStringAsPrecision(10));
      return {"x": x, "y": y, "t": t1};

  getIntersections(path1, path2) {
    var intersectionsRaw = [];
    var intersections = [];

    for (var index = 1; index < path1.length; index++) {
      var path1EdgeStart = path1[index - 1];
      var path1EdgeEnd = path1[index];

      for (var index2 = 1; index2 < path2.length; index2++) {
        var path2EdgeStart = path2[index2 - 1];
        var path2EdgeEnd = path2[index2];

        var intersection = findEdgeIntersection(path1EdgeStart, path1EdgeEnd, path2EdgeStart, path2EdgeEnd);

        if (intersection != null &&
                    (i) => i["t"] <= intersection["t"] + Math.epsilon && i["t"] >= intersection["t"] - Math.epsilon) <
                0) {
          intersections.add(Vector2(intersection["x"], intersection["y"]));

    return intersections;

  getScanlineIntersections(scanline, boundingBox, paths) {
    var center = Vector2();

    var allIntersections = [];

    paths.forEach((path) {
      // check if the center of the bounding box is in the bounding box of the paths.
      // this is a pruning method to limit the search of intersections in paths that can't envelop of the current path.
      // if a path envelops another path. The center of that oter path, has to be inside the bounding box of the enveloping path.
      if (path["boundingBox"].containsPoint(center)) {
        var intersections = getIntersections(scanline, path["points"]);

        for (var p in intersections) {
          allIntersections.add({"identifier": path["identifier"], "isCW": path["isCW"], "point": p});

    allIntersections.sort((i1, i2) {
      return i1["point"].x >= i2["point"].x ? 1 : -1;

    return allIntersections;

  isHoleTo(simplePath, allPaths, scanlineMinX, scanlineMaxX, fillRule) {
    if (fillRule == null || fillRule == '') {
      fillRule = 'nonzero';

    var centerBoundingBox = Vector2();

    var scanline = [Vector2(scanlineMinX, centerBoundingBox.y), Vector2(scanlineMaxX, centerBoundingBox.y)];

    var scanlineIntersections = getScanlineIntersections(scanline, simplePath["boundingBox"], allPaths);

    scanlineIntersections.sort((i1, i2) {
      return i1["point"].x >= i2["point"].x ? 1 : -1;

    var baseIntersections = [];
    var otherIntersections = [];

    for (var i in scanlineIntersections) {
      if (i["identifier"] == simplePath["identifier"]) {
      } else {

    var firstXOfPath = baseIntersections[0]["point"].x;

    // build up the path hierarchy
    var stack = [];
    var i = 0;

    while (i < otherIntersections.length && otherIntersections[i]["point"].x < firstXOfPath) {
      if (stack.isNotEmpty && stack[stack.length - 1] == otherIntersections[i]["identifier"]) {
      } else {



    if (fillRule == 'evenodd') {
      var isHole = stack.length % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
      var isHoleFor = stack[stack.length - 2];

      return {"identifier": simplePath["identifier"], "isHole": isHole, "for": isHoleFor};
    } else if (fillRule == 'nonzero') {
      // check if path is a hole by counting the amount of paths with alternating rotations it has to cross.
      var isHole = true;
      var isHoleFor;
      var lastCWValue;

      for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
        var identifier = stack[i];
        if (isHole) {
          lastCWValue = allPaths[identifier]["isCW"];
          isHole = false;
          isHoleFor = identifier;
        } else if (lastCWValue != allPaths[identifier]["isCW"]) {
          lastCWValue = allPaths[identifier]["isCW"];
          isHole = true;

      return {"identifier": simplePath["identifier"], "isHole": isHole, "for": isHoleFor};
    } else {
      print('fill-rule: $fillRule is currently not implemented.');

  // check for self intersecting paths
  // TODO

  // check intersecting paths
  // TODO

  // prepare paths for hole detection
  var identifier = 0;

  num scanlineMinX = bugNumber;
  num scanlineMaxX = -bugNumber;

  List simplePaths = {
    var points = p.getPoints();
    double maxY = -bugNumber;
    double minY = bugNumber;
    double maxX = -bugNumber;
    double minX = bugNumber;

    //points.forEach(p => p.y *= -1);

    for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
      var p = points[i];

      if (p.y > maxY) {
        maxY = p.y;

      if (p.y < minY) {
        minY = p.y;

      if (p.x > maxX) {
        maxX = p.x;

      if (p.x < minX) {
        minX = p.x;

    if (scanlineMaxX <= maxX) {
      scanlineMaxX = maxX + 1;

    if (scanlineMinX >= minX) {
      scanlineMinX = minX - 1;

    return {
      "curves": p.curves,
      "points": points,
      "isCW": ShapeUtils.isClockWise(points),
      "identifier": identifier++,
      "boundingBox": Box2(Vector2(minX, minY), Vector2(maxX, maxY))

  simplePaths = simplePaths.where((sp) {
    return sp["points"].length > 1;

  // check if path is solid or a hole
  var isAHole = simplePaths
      .map((p) => isHoleTo(p, simplePaths, scanlineMinX, scanlineMaxX, shapePath.userData["style"]["fillRule"]))

  var shapesToReturn = [];
  for (var p in simplePaths) {
    var amIAHole = isAHole[p["identifier"]]!;

    if (!amIAHole["isHole"]) {
      var shape = Shape(null);
      shape.curves = p["curves"];
      var holes = isAHole.where((h) => h!["isHole"] && h["for"] == p["identifier"]).toList();
      for (var h in holes) {
        var hole = simplePaths[h!["identifier"]];
        var path = Path(null);
        path.curves = hole["curves"];

  return shapesToReturn;