parseTextures method

Map parseTextures(
  1. dynamic json,
  2. dynamic images


Map parseTextures(json, images) {
  parseConstant(value, type) {
    if (value is num) return value;

    print('three.ObjectLoader.parseTexture: Constant should be in numeric form. $value');

    return type[value];

  var textures = {};

  if (json != null) {
    for (var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i++) {
      Map<String, dynamic> data = json[i];

      if (data['image'] == null) {
        print('three.ObjectLoader: No "image" specified for ${data["uuid"]}');

      if (images[data["image"]] == null) {
        print('three.ObjectLoader: Undefined image ${data["image"]}');

      Texture texture;

      var source = images[data["image"]];
      var image =;

      if (image is List) {
        texture = CubeTexture();

        if (image.length == 6) texture.needsUpdate = true;
      } else {
        if (image != null && != null && image.url == null) {
          texture = DataTexture();
        } else {
          texture = Texture();

        if (image != null) {
          texture.needsUpdate = true;
        } // textures can have null image data


      texture.source = source;
      texture.uuid = data["uuid"];

      if (data["name"] != null) = data["name"];

      if (data["mapping"] != null) {
        texture.mapping = parseConstant(data["mapping"], textureMapping);

      if (data["offset"] != null) texture.offset.fromArray(data["offset"]);
      if (data["repeat"] != null) texture.repeat.fromArray(data["repeat"]);
      if (data["center"] != null)["center"]);
      if (data["rotation"] != null) texture.rotation = data["rotation"];

      if (data["wrap"] != null) {
        texture.wrapS = parseConstant(data["wrap"][0], textureWrapping);
        texture.wrapT = parseConstant(data["wrap"][1], textureWrapping);

      if (data["format"] != null) texture.format = data["format"];
      if (data["type"] != null) texture.type = data["type"];
      if (data["encoding"] != null) texture.encoding = data["encoding"];

      if (data["minFilter"] != null) {
        texture.minFilter = parseConstant(data["minFilter"], textureFilter);
      if (data["magFilter"] != null) {
        texture.magFilter = parseConstant(data["magFilter"], textureFilter);
      if (data["anisotropy"] != null) texture.anisotropy = data["anisotropy"];

      if (data["flipY"] != null) texture.flipY = data["flipY"];

      if (data["premultiplyAlpha"] != null) {
        texture.premultiplyAlpha = data["premultiplyAlpha"];
      if (data["unpackAlignment"] != null) {
        texture.unpackAlignment = data["unpackAlignment"];
      if (data["userData"] != null) texture.userData = data["userData"];

      textures[data["uuid"]] = texture;

  return textures;