getInstance static method

Future<ThinkingAnalyticsAPI> getInstance(
  1. String appId,
  2. String serverUrl, {
  3. String? timeZone,
  4. ThinkingAnalyticsMode? mode,
  5. bool? enableEncrypt,
  6. TASecretKey? secretKey,

Gets instance of ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.

The sdk in native will be initialized with appId and serverUrl. The appId is the APP ID of your project. The serverUrl is your own receiver's url. In case of using TA SaaS, the serverUrl is

By default, the event time will be serialized using device TimeZone. You can pass a named parameter timeZone to specify the default TimeZone in native SDK. The value of timeZone must be a valid time zone name like: 'UTC', 'Asia/Shanghai', etc.

In addition, you can pass a mode to set the SDK mode. By default, the mode will be set to ThinkingAnalyticsMode.NORMAL. NOTE:

  1. DO NOT use ThinkingAnalyticsMode.DEBUG or ThinkingAnalyticsMode.DEBUG_ONLY in online App.
  2. The DEBUG mode could not be enabled unless you set your device ID in TA server.


static Future<ThinkingAnalyticsAPI> getInstance(
    String appId, String serverUrl,
    {String? timeZone,
    ThinkingAnalyticsMode? mode,
    bool? enableEncrypt,
    TASecretKey? secretKey}) async {
  Map<String, dynamic> config = <String, dynamic>{
    'appId': appId,
    'serverUrl': serverUrl

  if (null != timeZone) {
    config['timeZone'] = timeZone;

  if (null != mode) {
    config['mode'] = mode.index;
  config['lib_version'] = _libVersion;

  if (null != secretKey) {
    config['secretKey'] = {
      'publicKey': secretKey.publicKey,
      'version': secretKey.version,
      'symmetricEncryption': secretKey.symmetricEncryption,
      'asymmetricEncryption': secretKey.asymmetricEncryption

  if (null != enableEncrypt) {
    config['enableEncrypt'] = enableEncrypt;

  await _channel.invokeMethod<int>('getInstance', config);

  return ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.private(appId);