theta_open_widgets library
- AlignOpenNode
- align
- AlignWidgetAdapter
- Align
- AlignWidgetDefaultAttributes
- Align
- BoxAdapter
- Container
- BoxDefaultAttributes
- Image, Container
- ChildBuilder
- ColumnAdapter
- Button Column
- ColumnDefaultAttributes
- Button Column,
- ColumnOpenNode
- column
- ComponentAdapter
- Component
- ComponentDefaultAttributes
- Component
- ComponentOpenNode
- component
- ContainerOpenNode
- container
- CRenderFlex
- DefaultAttributesAdapter
- DefaultAttributesParse
- GridViewAdapter
- GridView
- IconDefaultAttributes
- Icon, all types.
- IconOpenNode
- icon
- ImageAdapter
- Image
- ImageOpenNode
- image
- ListViewAdapter
- ListView
- ListViewDefaultAttributes
- ListView
- ListViewOpenNode
- listView
- LottieAdapter
- Lottie
- LottieDefaultAttributes
- Lottie
- LottieOpenNode
- lottie
- MaterialIconAdapter
- Material Line
- NodeInfo
- NodesParse
- NodeWidget
- OpenWAlign
- OpenWButton
- OpenWColumn
- OpenWComponent
- OpenWCondition
Returns a if condition widget
It takes a children of type
as children It requires afirstValue
for the firstValue and secondValue properties It requires a conditionType for the conditionType property - OpenWContainer
Returns a Container widget
It requires a
for the width and height properties It takes a child of typeCNode
as child It requires amargins
for the margin and padding properties It requires afill
for the decoration property It requires aborderRadius
for the decoration property It requires aborders
for the decoration property It requires ashadows
for the decoration property - OpenWFeatherIcon
Returns a Icon widget in Teta.
It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the
values. It returns a Icon widget. - OpenWFontAwesome
Returns a Icon widget in Teta
It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the
values. - OpenWGridView
- OpenWIcon
Returns a Icon widget in Teta.
It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the
values. - OpenWImage
- OpenWLineIcon
Returns a Icon widget in Teta.
It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the
values. - OpenWListView
- OpenWLottie
Returns a Lottie widget
It wants a
as a tag It wants aFSize
as a width It wants aFSize
as a height It wants aFBoxFit
as a boxFit It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get theFSize
values. - OpenWRow
- OpenWScaffold
- OpenWSpacer
- This widget effect Node Builder (node_builder.dart)
- OpenWStack
- OpenWSvgPicture
Returns a Svg Picture widget
It wants a
as a tag It wants aFSize
as a width It wants aFSize
as a height It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get theFSize
values. - OpenWSwitch
- OpenWText
- OpenWTextField
- OpenWVideo
- RowAdapter
- Row
- RowDefaultAttributes
- Row
- RowOpenNode
- row
- ScaffoldAdapter
- Scaffold
- ScaffoldDefaultAttributes
- Scaffold
- ScaffoldOpenNode
- scaffold
- SpacerAdapter
- Spacer
- SpacerDefaultAttribute
- Spacer
- SpacerOpenNode
- spacer
- StackAdapter
- Stack
- StackDefaultAttributes
- Stack
- StackOpenNode
- stack
- SvgPictureAdapter
- Svg Picture
- SvgPictureDefaultAttributes
- Svg Picture
- SvgPictureOpenNode
- svgPicture
- SwitchAdapter
- Switch
- SwitchDefaultAttributes
- Switch
- SwitchOpenNode
- switcH
- TeamComponentAdapter
- Team Component
- TeamComponentDefaultAttributes
- Team Component
- TeamComponentOpenNode
- teamComponent
- TextAdapter
- Text
- TextBuilder
- Returns a Text widget with all the properties
- TextDefaultAttributes
- Text
- TextFieldAdapter
- TextField
- TextFieldDefaultAttributes
- TextField
- TextFieldOpenNode
- textField
- TextOpenNode
- text
- ThetaOpenWidgets
- TreeGlobalState
- WidgetAdapterParse
- CDebugOverflowIndicatorMixin
- An mixin indicator that is drawn when a RenderObject overflows its container.
- OnComponentPageChange = void Function(CNode node)?
- OnNodeAddedCallBack = void Function(CNode node, CNode parent, Offset offset)?
- OnNodeAttributesUpdatedChangedCallBack = void Function(CNode node, CNode oldNode, bool isUndoRedo)?
- OnNodeChangedCallBack = void Function(CNode node, UITransformResult rect, DeviceType deviceType)?
- OnNodeFocusedCallBack = void Function(CNode node, DeviceType device)?
- OnNodeHoveredCallBack = void Function(CNode node, DeviceType device)?
= void Function(Map<
CNode, UITransformResult> rectMapNode, DeviceType deviceType)? - OnResizingCallback = void Function(bool value)?
- OnRightClickCallBack = void Function(PointerDownEvent e, CNode node)?