addLight abstract method

Future<ThermionEntity> addLight(
  1. LightType type,
  2. double colour,
  3. double intensity,
  4. double posX,
  5. double posY,
  6. double posZ,
  7. double dirX,
  8. double dirY,
  9. double dirZ, {
  10. double falloffRadius = 1.0,
  11. double spotLightConeInner = pi / 8,
  12. double spotLightConeOuter = pi / 4,
  13. double sunAngularRadius = 0.545,
  14. double sunHaloSize = 10.0,
  15. double sunHaloFallof = 80.0,
  16. bool castShadows = true,

Add a light to the scene. See LightManager.h for details Note that sunAngularRadius is in degrees, whereas spotLightConeInner and spotLightConeOuter are in radians


Future<ThermionEntity> addLight(
    LightType type,
    double colour,
    double intensity,
    double posX,
    double posY,
    double posZ,
    double dirX,
    double dirY,
    double dirZ,
    {double falloffRadius = 1.0,
    double spotLightConeInner = pi / 8,
    double spotLightConeOuter = pi / 4,
    double sunAngularRadius = 0.545,
    double sunHaloSize = 10.0,
    double sunHaloFallof = 80.0,
    bool castShadows = true});