→ const CallocAllocator
Manages memory on the native heap.
→ const int
→ const MallocAllocator
Manages memory on the native heap.
→ const int
→ CallocAllocator
→ Pointer<Never>
Represents a pointer into the native C memory corresponding to 'NULL', e.g.
a pointer with address 0.
→ Arena
A zone-specific Arena.
no setter
add_animation_component(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId)
→ bool
add_bone_animation(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, int skinIndex, int boneIndex, Pointer<Float> frameData, int numFrames, double frameLengthInMs, double fadeOutInSecs, double fadeInInSecs, double maxDelta)
→ void
add_collision_component(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int entityId1, Int entityId2)>> callback, bool affectsCollidingTransform)
→ void
add_light(Pointer<Void> viewer, int type, double colour, double intensity, double posX, double posY, double posZ, double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double falloffRadius, double spotLightConeInner, double spotLightConeOuter, double sunAngularRadius, double sunHaloSize, double sunHaloFallof, bool shadows)
→ int
add_light_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int type, double colour, double intensity, double posX, double posY, double posZ, double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double falloffRadius, double spotLightConeInner, double spotLightConeOuter, double sunAngularRadius, double sunHaloSize, double sunHaloFallof, bool shadows, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(EntityId)>> callback)
→ void
apply_weights(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Char> entityName, Pointer<Float> weights, int count)
→ void
apply_weights_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, Pointer<Char> entityName, Pointer<Float> weights, int count)
→ void
clear_background_image(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
clear_background_image_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
clear_entities(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
clear_entities_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> callback)
→ void
clear_lights(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
clear_lights_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
create_filament_viewer(Pointer<Void> context, Pointer<Void> loader, Pointer<Void> platform, Pointer<Char> uberArchivePath)
→ Pointer<Void>
create_filament_viewer_ffi(Pointer<Void> context, Pointer<Void> platform, Pointer<Char> uberArchivePath, Pointer<Void> loader, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Void> renderCallbackOwner)>> renderCallback, Pointer<Void> renderCallbackOwner, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Void> viewer)>> callback)
→ void
create_geometry(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Float> vertices, int numVertices, Pointer<Uint16> indices, int numIndices, int primitiveType, Pointer<Char> materialPath)
→ int
create_geometry_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Float> vertices, int numVertices, Pointer<Uint16> indices, int numIndices, int primitiveType, Pointer<Char> materialPath, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(EntityId)>> callback)
→ void
create_instance(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int id)
→ int
create_instance_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(EntityId)>> callback)
→ void
create_render_target(Pointer<Void> viewer, int texture, int width, int height)
→ void
create_render_target_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int nativeTextureId, int width, int height, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
create_swap_chain(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Void> window, int width, int height)
→ void
create_swap_chain_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Void> surface, int width, int height, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
destroy_filament_viewer(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
destroy_filament_viewer_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
destroy_swap_chain(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
destroy_swap_chain_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
filament_pick(Pointer<Void> viewer, int x, int y, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int entityId, Int x, Int y)>> callback)
→ void
find_child_entity_by_name(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int parent, Pointer<Char> name)
→ int
get_animation_count(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset)
→ int
get_animation_count_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int)>> callback)
→ void
get_animation_duration(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, int index)
→ double
get_animation_name(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Char> outPtr, int index)
→ void
get_animation_name_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, Pointer<Char> outPtr, int index, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> callback)
→ void
get_bone(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, int skinIndex, int boneIndex)
→ int
get_bone_count(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int assetEntity, int skinIndex)
→ int
get_bone_names(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int assetEntity, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> outPtr, int skinIndex)
→ void
get_camera_culling_far(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ double
get_camera_culling_near(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ double
get_camera_culling_projection_matrix(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ Pointer<Double>
get_camera_frustum(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ Pointer<Double>
get_camera_model_matrix(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ Pointer<Double>
get_camera_position(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
get_camera_projection_matrix(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ Pointer<Double>
get_camera_view_matrix(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ Pointer<Double>
get_entities(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int target, bool renderableOnly, Pointer<Int> out)
→ void
get_entity_count(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int target, bool renderableOnly)
→ int
get_entity_name_at(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int target, int index, bool renderableOnly)
→ Pointer<Char>
get_gizmo(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Int> out)
→ void
get_instance_count(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId)
→ int
get_instances(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<Int> out)
→ void
get_inverse_bind_matrix(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, int skinIndex, int boneIndex, Pointer<Float> arg4)
→ void
get_local_transform(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<Float> arg2)
→ void
get_main_camera(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ int
get_morph_target_name(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int assetEntity, int childEntity, Pointer<Char> outPtr, int index)
→ void
get_morph_target_name_count(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int assetEntity, int childEntity)
→ int
get_morph_target_name_count_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, int childEntity, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int32)>> callback)
→ void
get_morph_target_name_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int assetEntity, int childEntity, Pointer<Char> outPtr, int index, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> callback)
→ void
get_name_for_entity(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId)
→ Pointer<Char>
get_parent(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int child)
→ int
get_rest_local_transforms(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, int skinIndex, Pointer<Float> out, int numBones)
→ void
get_scene_manager(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ Pointer<Void>
get_world_transform(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<Float> arg2)
→ void
grab_begin(Pointer<Void> viewer, double x, double y, bool pan)
→ void
grab_end(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
grab_update(Pointer<Void> viewer, double x, double y)
→ void
hide_mesh(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Char> meshName)
→ int
→ void
load_glb(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Char> assetPath, int numInstances)
→ int
load_glb_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Char> assetPath, int numInstances, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(EntityId)>> callback)
→ void
load_glb_from_buffer(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Void> data, int length)
→ int
load_glb_from_buffer_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Void> data, int length, int numInstances, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(EntityId)>> callback)
→ void
load_gltf(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Char> assetPath, Pointer<Char> relativePath)
→ int
load_gltf_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, Pointer<Char> assetPath, Pointer<Char> relativePath, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(EntityId)>> callback)
→ void
load_ibl(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> iblPath, double intensity)
→ void
load_ibl_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> iblPath, double intensity)
→ void
load_skybox(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> skyboxPath)
→ void
load_skybox_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> skyboxPath, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
make_render_callback_fn_pointer(FilamentRenderCallback arg0)
→ FilamentRenderCallback
make_resource_loader(LoadFilamentResourceFromOwner loadFn, FreeFilamentResourceFromOwner freeFn, Pointer<Void> owner)
→ Pointer<Void>
move_camera_to_asset(Pointer<Void> viewer, int asset)
→ void
play_animation(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, int index, bool loop, bool reverse, bool replaceActive, double crossfade)
→ void
play_animation_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, int index, bool loop, bool reverse, bool replaceActive, double crossfade)
→ void
queue_position_update(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, double x, double y, double z, bool relative)
→ void
queue_rotation_update(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, double rads, double x, double y, double z, double w, bool relative)
→ void
remove_animation_component(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId)
→ void
remove_collision_component(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId)
→ void
remove_entity(Pointer<Void> viewer, int asset)
→ void
remove_entity_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int asset, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> callback)
→ void
remove_ibl(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
remove_ibl_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
remove_light(Pointer<Void> viewer, int entityId)
→ void
remove_light_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int entityId)
→ void
remove_skybox(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
remove_skybox_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
render(Pointer<Void> viewer, int frameTimeInNanos, Pointer<Void> pixelBuffer, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Void> buf, Size size, Pointer<Void> data)>> callback, Pointer<Void> data)
→ void
render_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
reset_to_rest_pose(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset)
→ void
reset_to_rest_pose_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> callback)
→ void
reveal_mesh(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Char> meshName)
→ int
rotate_ibl(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Float> rotationMatrix)
→ void
scroll_begin(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
scroll_end(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
scroll_update(Pointer<Void> viewer, double x, double y, double z)
→ void
set_animation_frame(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, int animationIndex, int animationFrame)
→ void
set_animation_frame_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, int animationIndex, int animationFrame)
→ void
set_antialiasing(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool msaa, bool fxaa, bool taa)
→ void
set_background_color(Pointer<Void> viewer, double r, double g, double b, double a)
→ void
set_background_color_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, double r, double g, double b, double a)
→ void
set_background_image(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> path, bool fillHeight)
→ void
set_background_image_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> path, bool fillHeight, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
set_background_image_position(Pointer<Void> viewer, double x, double y, bool clamp)
→ void
set_background_image_position_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, double x, double y, bool clamp)
→ void
set_bloom(Pointer<Void> viewer, double strength)
→ void
set_bloom_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, double strength)
→ void
set_bone_transform(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, int skinIndex, int boneIndex, Pointer<Float> transform)
→ bool
set_bone_transform_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, int skinIndex, int boneIndex, Pointer<Float> transform, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Bool)>> callback)
→ void
set_camera(Pointer<Void> viewer, int entity, Pointer<Char> nodeName)
→ bool
set_camera_culling(Pointer<Void> viewer, double near, double far)
→ void
set_camera_exposure(Pointer<Void> viewer, double aperture, double shutterSpeed, double sensitivity)
→ void
set_camera_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int asset, Pointer<Char> nodeName, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Bool)>> callback)
→ void
set_camera_focal_length(Pointer<Void> viewer, double focalLength)
→ void
set_camera_focus_distance(Pointer<Void> viewer, double focusDistance)
→ void
set_camera_fov(Pointer<Void> viewer, double fovInDegrees, double aspect)
→ void
set_camera_manipulator_options(Pointer<Void> viewer, int mode, double orbitSpeedX, double orbitSpeedY, double zoomSpeed)
→ void
set_camera_model_matrix(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Float> matrix)
→ void
set_camera_position(Pointer<Void> viewer, double x, double y, double z)
→ void
set_camera_projection_matrix(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Double> matrix, double near, double far)
→ void
set_camera_rotation(Pointer<Void> viewer, double w, double x, double y, double z)
→ void
set_frame_interval(Pointer<Void> viewer, double interval)
→ void
set_frame_interval_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, double frameInterval)
→ void
set_main_camera(Pointer<Void> viewer)
→ void
set_material_color(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Char> meshName, int materialIndex, double r, double g, double b, double a)
→ bool
set_morph_animation(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Float> morphData, Pointer<Int> morphIndices, int numMorphTargets, int numFrames, double frameLengthInMs)
→ bool
set_morph_target_weights(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, Pointer<Float> morphData, int numWeights)
→ bool
set_morph_target_weights_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, Pointer<Float> morphData, int numWeights, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Bool)>> callback)
→ void
set_parent(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int child, int parent)
→ void
set_position(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, double x, double y, double z)
→ void
set_post_processing(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool enabled)
→ void
set_post_processing_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool enabled)
→ void
set_priority(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, int priority)
→ void
set_recording(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool recording)
→ void
set_recording_output_directory(Pointer<Void> viewer, Pointer<Char> outputDirectory)
→ void
set_rendering_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool rendering, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
set_rotation(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, double rads, double x, double y, double z, double w)
→ void
set_scale(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, double scale)
→ void
set_shadow_type(Pointer<Void> viewer, int shadowType)
→ void
set_shadows_enabled(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool enabled)
→ void
set_soft_shadow_options(Pointer<Void> viewer, double penumbraScale, double penumbraRatioScale)
→ void
set_tone_mapping(Pointer<Void> viewer, int toneMapping)
→ void
set_tone_mapping_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int toneMapping)
→ void
set_transform(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId, Pointer<Float> transform)
→ bool
set_view_frustum_culling(Pointer<Void> viewer, bool enabled)
→ void
sizeOf<T extends SizedNativeType>()
→ int
Number of bytes used by native type T.
stop_animation(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity, int index)
→ void
stop_animation_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, int index)
→ void
test_collisions(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entity)
→ void
thermion_flutter_free(Pointer<Void> ptr)
→ void
transform_to_unit_cube(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset)
→ void
update_bone_matrices(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int entityId)
→ bool
update_bone_matrices_ffi(Pointer<Void> sceneManager, int asset, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Bool)>> callback)
→ void
update_viewport_and_camera_projection(Pointer<Void> viewer, int width, int height, double scaleFactor)
→ void
update_viewport_and_camera_projection_ffi(Pointer<Void> viewer, int width, int height, double scaleFactor, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> onComplete)
→ void
using<R>(R computation(Arena), [Allocator wrappedAllocator = calloc])
→ R
with a new Arena, and releases all allocations at the
withBoolCallback(dynamic func(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Bool)>>))
→ Future<bool>
withCharPtrCallback(dynamic func(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Char>)>>))
→ Future<String>
withIntCallback(dynamic func(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int32)>>))
→ Future<int>
withVoidCallback(dynamic func(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>>))
→ Future<void>
withVoidPointerCallback(dynamic func(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Void>)>>))
→ Future<int>
withZoneArena<R>(R computation(), [Allocator wrappedAllocator = calloc])
→ R
Creates a zoned Arena to manage native resources.