conic static method
static Geometry conic({double radius = 1.0, double length = 1.0, bool normals = true, bool uvs = true}) {
int segments = 32;
List<double> verticesList = [];
List<double> normalsList = [];
List<double> uvsList = [];
List<int> indices = [];
// Create vertices, normals, and UVs
for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++) {
double theta = i * 2 * pi / segments;
double x = radius * cos(theta);
double z = radius * sin(theta);
// Base circle
verticesList.addAll([x, 0, z]);
// Calculate normal for the side
double nx = x / sqrt(x * x + length * length);
double nz = z / sqrt(z * z + length * length);
double ny = radius / sqrt(radius * radius + length * length);
normalsList.addAll([nx, ny, nz]);
// UV coordinates
uvsList.addAll([i / segments, 0]);
// Apex
verticesList.addAll([0, length, 0]);
normalsList.addAll([0, 1, 0]); // Normal at apex points straight up
uvsList.addAll([0.5, 1]); // UV for apex
// Create indices
for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
// Base face (fixed to counterclockwise)
indices.addAll([segments + 1, i + 1, i]);
// Side faces (already correct)
indices.addAll([i, segments, i + 1]);
// Add base face normals and UVs
for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++) {
normalsList.addAll([0, -1, 0]); // Base face normal
double u = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(i * 2 * pi / segments);
double v = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(i * 2 * pi / segments);
uvsList.addAll([u, v]); // Base face UV
Float32List vertices = Float32List.fromList(verticesList);
Float32List? _normals = normals ? Float32List.fromList(normalsList) : null;
Float32List? _uvs = uvs ? Float32List.fromList(uvsList) : null;
return Geometry(vertices, indices, normals: _normals, uvs: _uvs);