The Utils

A Dart and Flutter utils library.


String Utils

import 'package:the_utils/the_utils.dart';

var isIPv4 = StrUtil.isIPv4("");
print(isIPv4); // outputs: true

You can find examples of each method in the code comments.

Method Description
capitalize Converts the first letter of a string to uppercase.
capitalizeWords Replaces specific words in a string with their uppercase forms.
containsChinese Checks if the string contains Chinese characters.
countCharOccurrences Counts the occurrences of a specific character in a string.
countOccurrences Counts the occurrences of a specific character or substring in a string.
camelCase Converts a string to camel case naming format.
contains Checks if the string contains a specific substring.
endsWith Checks if the string ends with a specific substring.
escapeHtml Escapes HTML special characters in a string.
extractNumbers Extracts numbers from a string into a list.
fromBase64 Decodes a string from Base64 format.
fromIni Parses an INI format string.
formatNumberWithCommas Formats a string as a comma-separated number.
getHashCode Gets the hash code of a string.
isZAlphabetical Checks if the characters in the string are in alphabetical order.
isHex Checks if the string is a valid hexadecimal number.
isAlpha Checks if the string contains only letters.
isAlphanumeric Checks if the string contains only letters and numbers.
isNumeric Checks if the string contains only numbers.
isUrl Checks if the string is a valid URL.
isEmail Checks if the string is a valid email address.
isAsset Checks if the string is a valid Flutter asset path.
isDigitOnly Determines if the string is composed of only digits.
isWhitespace Checks if the string contains only whitespace and newline characters.
isEmpty Checks if the string is empty.
isNullOrEmpty Checks if the string is null or empty.
isNullEmptyOrWhitespace Checks if the string is null, empty, or contains only whitespace.
isValidUsername Checks if the string is a valid username.
isNotEmpty Checks if the string is not empty.
isBlank Checks if the string contains only spaces.
isLowerCase Checks if all the characters in the string are lowercase.
isUpperCase Checks if all the characters in the string are uppercase.
isPalindrome Checks if the string is a palindrome.
isDateTime Checks if the string is a valid datetime format.
isCreditCard Checks if the string is a valid credit card number.
isFilePath Checks if the string is a valid file path.
isIPv4 Checks if the string is a valid IPv4 address.
isIPv6 Checks if the string is a valid IPv6 address.
isBase64 Checks if the string matches the Base64 format.
isJson Checks if the string is valid JSON format.
isPhoneNumber Checks if the string matches the phone number format.
isSimplePassword Checks if the string meets simple password rules.
isSpace Checks if the string contains only space characters.
isLicensePlate Checks if the string is a valid license plate number.
kebabCase Converts a string to kebab case format.
lowercaseWords Replaces specific words in a string with their lowercase forms.
lowercaseFirstLetterOfEachWord Converts the first letter of each word in the string to lowercase.
matchesPattern Checks if the string matches a specified regular expression.
nTimesRepeat Converts the string to an n-times repeated form.
onlyDigits Retrieves the digits from the string.
padLeft Pads the string on the left to a specified length.
padRight Pads the string on the right to a specified length.
repeat Repeats the string a specified number of times.
randomString Generates a random string of a specified length.
replace Replaces substrings within the string.
replaceWords Replaces specific words in a string with a specified mapping.
replaceWithCallback Replaces specific patterns in a string with strings returned by a callback function.

Removes a specific substring from the string. | | removeNonNumeric | Removes all non-numeric characters from the string. | | removeHtmlTags | Removes HTML tags from the string. | | replaceChars | Replaces each character in the string with a specified mapping character. | | replaceWord | Replaces a specific word in the string with another word. | | removeDigits | Removes all digits from the string. | | reverse | Reverses the string. | | reverseSnakeCase | Converts the string to a reversed snake case format. | | removeChar | Removes a specific character from the string. | | removeSpaces | Removes all spaces from the string. | | replaceMultipleSpacesWithSingle | Replaces multiple spaces in the string with a single space. | | removeChinese | Removes Chinese characters from the string. | | replaceNewLines | Replaces new line characters in the string with a specific string. | | reverseCamelCase | Converts the string to a reversed camel case format. | | randomAlphabetic | Generates a random alphabetic string of a specified length. | | substringFromIndex | Extracts a specific length of substring from a specified position in the string. | | snakeCase | Converts the string to a snake case format. | | sortWords | Sorts all the words in the string in dictionary order. | | sortAlphabetically | Sorts all the words in the string alphabetically. | | splitIntoChunks | Splits the string into substrings of a specified length. | | splitByDelimiter | Converts the string to a list, split by a specified delimiter. | | splitByNewLine | Converts the string to a list, split by new line characters. | | titleize | Converts the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase. | | toAsciiString | Converts the string to its ASCII code representation. | | toZeroWidthString | Converts the string to a zero-width character representation. | | toAcronym | Converts the string to an acronym form. | | toBinaryString | Converts the string to its binary representation. | | toSafeFileName | Converts the string to a safe file name by removing illegal characters. | | toTitleCaseIgnoringSmallWords | Converts the string to title case format, ignoring small words. | | toBase64 | Converts the string to Base64 format. | | toBoolean | Converts the string to a boolean value. | | toSlug | Converts the string to a slug (URL-friendly format). | | trimCharFromEnds | Trims a specified character from the start and end of the string. | | truncate | Truncates the string to a specified length. | | titleCase | Converts the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase. | | toInt | Converts the string to an int type. | | toList | Converts the string to a list, with each element being a character of the original string. | | toDouble | Converts the string to a double type. | | toDate | Converts the string to a datetime object. | | trimChar | Removes a specified character from the start and end of the string. | | uppercaseWord | Converts a specific word in the string to uppercase. | | unescapeHtml | Restores an escaped HTML string. | | utf8Length | Calculates the byte length of the string (UTF-8 encoding). | | validateRegex | Validates if the string matches a specified regular expression. | | wordsJoinWithSeparator | Joins the words in the string with a specified separator. | | xToDash | Converts the string to lowercase and replaces all spaces with dashes. | | yearFormat | Formats a year. | | yesOrNo | Converts the string to a "Yes/No" representation. | | zip | Zips two strings into a list of pairs. | | zeroWidthEncode | Converts the string to a zero-width space encoded form. | | zeroWidthDecode | Decodes the original string from a zero-width space encoded string. | | zipCompress | Applies a simple compression algorithm to the string (using repeated character counts). | | zipDecompress | Decompresses a string compressed with a simple compression algorithm. | | zipToMap | Converts the string to a map of "key-value" pairs using a specified delimiter. |

