conform method

void conform({
  1. required String id,
  2. required String apiKey,
  3. required bool testMode,
  4. required void onDone(
    1. ConformPaymentModel data
  5. required void onError(
    1. Map<String, dynamic> data

Confirms a payment intent.

id - The ID of the payment intent to confirm. apiKey - The API key for authentication. testMode - Flag indicating if the test mode is enabled. onDone - Callback function to be executed on successful confirmation. onError - Callback function to be executed on an error.


void conform({
  required String id,
  required String apiKey,
  required bool testMode,
  required void Function(ConformPaymentModel data) onDone,
  required void Function(Map<String, dynamic> data) onError}) {
  // Define the URL based on the test mode.
  String url = testMode
      ? "$id/confirm"
      : '$id/confirm';

  // Send a POST request to confirm the payment intent. url, data: {}, headers: {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'thawani-api-key': apiKey
  }).then((value) {
    if (value['status'] == 200) {
      // Parse the response data into a ConformPaymentModel.
      ConformPaymentModel model = ConformPaymentModel.fromJson(value['data']);
    } else {
      // Handle errors by calling the onError callback.