loadListOffset method

void loadListOffset(
  1. List<int> src,
  2. int offsetInShort,
  3. int sizeInShort


void loadListOffset(List<int> src, int offsetInShort, int sizeInShort) {
      offsetInShort + sizeInShort <= src.length,
      message: "Index out of range. offset ($offsetInShort) + size ($sizeInShort) should <= newData.length (${src
  List<double> floatData = List.filled(sizeInShort, 0.0);
  for (int i = offsetInShort; i < sizeInShort; i++) {
    // Convert the data to PCM Float encoding i.e. values between -1 and 1
    floatData[i] = src[i] / (pow(2, 15) - 1);