toSourceText method

String toSourceText([
  1. Iterable<String>? fieldNames

Parses the JSON to text.

Calls toString() on the value of every field in fieldNames and writes the text to the return value as a new line, followed by an empty line.

Every field value is preceded by a token in the format %fieldName%.

If fieldNames is null, all the fields in the JSON will be parsed in the order of map entries.


String toSourceText([Iterable<String>? fieldNames]) {
  final buffer = StringBuffer();
  if (fieldNames == null) {
    for (final entry in entries) {
      final fieldValue = entry.toString();
      // buffer.writeln('%${entry.key}%');
  } else {
    fieldNames = fieldNames.toSet();
    for (final zone in fieldNames) {
      final value = this[zone];
      if (value != null) {
        // buffer.writeln('%$zone%');
  return buffer.toString();