
A richtext widget for syntax highlighting programming languages like python , c++ , c# etc. Currently supports 9 programming languages c, c++, c#, go, java, javascript, python, r, swift ,dart. The widget is fully customizable , you can create theme of your own using HighlightTheme class , by default the theme is dark mode.


importing package

import 'package:text_highlight/text_highlight.dart';

Using text_highlight for a particular language mode :

    # python example
    print("""Hello world""")
    ''' ,
    mode: HighlightTextModes.PYTHON,
    fontSize: 15,

similarly you can specify any of the 9 languages to set its mode. mode is actually simply string you can pass mode like this: mode : 'python' , but make sure u don't pass a mode which does not exist , otherwise it will throw HighlightTextModeNotFoundException error.

AUTO mode


AUTO mode let the user decide which language he wants to highlight. A complete example can be seen at example section.Based on the input string it automatically sets language . Remember it does not analyzes whole input string , it analyzes only the first line of input string and sees which language is mentioned. So in auto mode first line should contain only name of language and a colon(colon is optional). If none of the modes matches the first line it will set mode to TEXT. Here is an example of AUTO mode for highlighting python code:

    # python example
    print("""Hello world""")
    ''' ,
    mode: HighlightTextModes.AUTO,
    fontSize: 15,
// first line of string should be the name of language and a colon.

Custom HighlightTheme

By default only two themes are available defaultDarkTheme and defaultLightTheme. You can create your own theme if you want using HighlightTheme class. You can see the example in example/README.md section.

sample outputs =>
