Teta CMS

What's Teta CMS?

Teta CMS is a low-code back-end service. We provide:

  • Scalable NoSQL database
  • Real-time subscriptions with sockets
  • User authentication system and policies
  • Perform custom queries on your collections with our Ayaya language
  • Use an easy-to-use and responsive user interface

Getting Started

To use Teta CMS you have to create first a project on Teta.so


Auth Database Ayaya Realtime Analytics
macOS Coming soon
Windows Coming soon
Linux Coming soon



To get the credentials, go to Teta > project dashboard > Getting Started

Since you call the .initialize method, you are able to use Teta.instance anywhere in your application

import 'package:teta_cms/teta_cms.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  await TetaCMS.initialize(
    token: prjToken,
    prjId: prjId,
    // Your app...

Database with custom query

Making a query with the Ayaya language

// Fetch all docs in `users` created less than a week, ordering by `created_at`
final res = await TetaCMS.instance.client.query(
    MATCH name EQ users;
    IN docs;
    MATCH created_at GT DATESUB($now $week);
    SORT created_at -1;
    LIMIT 20;

// Check if it returns an error
if (res.error != null) {
} else {
  // Safe to use res.data 🎉
  return res.data;

With Ayaya, you can join two or more collections:

// Fetch all docs in `users` and `posts`
final response = await TetaCMS.instance.client.query(
    MATCHOR name EQ users name EQ posts;

Fetch docs

// Fetch all docs
final res = await TetaCMS.instance.client.getCollectionByName('users');
if (res.error != null) {
  Logger.printError('Error fetching users, code: ${res.error?.code}, error: ${res.error?.message}');
} else {
  // Safe to use res.data 🎉
  return res.data;


// Fetch all docs, ordering and filtering
  limit: 10,
  page: 0,
  showDrafts: false,
  filters: [
      type: FilterType.like,

Or you can use our TetaFutureBuilder. It manages the cache by preventing unwanted calls.

  future: TetaCMS.instance.client.getCollectionByName('posts'), 
  builder: (final context, final snap) {
    // build your widgets with snap.data as TetaResponse<T, TetaErrorResponse?>

TetaFutureBuilder supports any future. You can also use it to run an Ayaya query.

See other examples.


// Stream all docs, ordering and filtering
final sub = TetaCMS.instance.realtime.streamCollectionByName(
  'chats', // You can retrieve this from your project dashboard
  limit: 10,
  page: 0,
  showDrafts: false,
  filters: [
      type: FilterType.like,

// Remember to close it when you're done

Or you can use our TetaStreamBuilder. It manages the cache by preventing unwanted calls and closes the stream controller at the dispose event.

  stream: TetaCMS.instance.realtime.streamCollectionByName('feed'), 
  builder: (final context, final snap) {
    // build your widgets with snap.data as TetaResponse<T, TetaErrorResponse?>

Security: Manage database policies

Policies are security rules. Each policy is linked to a specific collection, and each policy is executed every time a collection is called in a query / API.

Essentially, they are additional conditions for each query that will be made to the collection.


Social authentication

// Sign up user with Apple OAuth provider
  provider: TetaProvider.apple,
  onSuccess: (final isFirstTime) async {
    // Success 🎉

The isFirstTime flag tells us whether the user is a first-time login, which is useful if we only need to perform actions for the first time.​

Retrieve current user

// Get the current user
final TetaUser user = await TetaCMS.instance.auth.user.get;
if (user.isLogged) {
  // The user is logged 🎉
} else {
  // There is no current user

Sign Out

await TetaCMS.instance.auth.signOut();

Teta Auth configuration

Authentication with Teta CMS works by opening a browser to allow people to log in using different providers. This method allows us to write much less code.

To open a browser and return to the application after successful login, you need to configure the deeplink in your application.

Set your redirect URL

  • Go to app.teta.so > Project dashboard > Users > Config
  • Fill the Redirect Url field (eg. com.example.app://welcome following the format SCHEME://HOSTNAME)

Teta Auth redirect URL field

Teta social OAuth config

Follow our docs for the following OAuth providers:


Declare your Redirect Url inside the ActivityManifest.xml file. In this example we are using the value com.example.app://welcome

<manifest ...>
  <application ...>
    <activity ...>
      <!-- ... -->

      <!-- Teta Auth Deeplink -->
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <!-- Your redirect URL -->
          android:host="welcome" />

Android docs: https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/deep-linking


Declare your Redirect Url inside the ios/Runner/Info.plist file. In this example we are using the value com.example.app://welcome

  <!-- Teta Auth Deeplink -->
  <!-- ... -->

Apple docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/defining-a-custom-url-scheme-for-your-app


Nothing needs to be set up for the Web.

Windows, macOS, Linux

Authentication for desktop platforms is coming soon.


This section will be updated whenever a new tutorial is released


See our Flutter docs on teta.so/flutter-docs

Teta CMS is still in open alpha

  • x Closed Alpha;
  • x Open Alpha: We could still introduce some big changes;
  • x Open Alpha: Expect bugs, but it is ready for testing and side projects;
  • Beta: first stable version;
  • Teta: we are finally full Teta;

We are just at the beginning, and we still have a long way to go.

Let us know what you think, we thank you for your support :)


