buildArgumentsError constant

String const buildArgumentsError


static const String buildArgumentsError = '''
Expected arguments to have the form: buildAndUpload appType

appType can be apk or ipa

you need to add .testsweets file at the root of your project containing the folowing parameters
You can find both the API key and the project id for your project in the project
settings tab in Test Sweets(all three parameters are required*).
example:  projectId=3OezzTovG9xxxxxxxxx
        flutterBuildCommand=--debug -t lib/main_profile.dart

The 'buildAndUpload' command will build your application with `flutter build`. Normal
positional `flutter build` arguments, like --flavor, can be passed to the command just after
the apiKey.

You can use the 'uploadApp' command if you already have a build (apk or ipa) and all you want
to do is upload it. The path to the build must be specified with the '--path' positional
argument after the apiKey.

For example:
\$ flutter pub run testsweets buildAndUpload apk'