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Test Rail Dart

This package is a thin wrapper around the Test Rail API that will allow for automated test reporting in Dart. It enables a user to start, report case pass/fail, and close your test runs from a Dart interface.

Getting Started

Initialize the TestRail instance using the config method:

  username: 'USERNAME',
  password: 'PASSWORD',
  /// The url that points to the test rail server => https://example.testrail.com
  serverDomain: 'https://YOUR_SERVER.testrail.com'


Create or Update Runs

/// Start by creating a new run
final newRun = await TestRun.create(
  name: 'Test execution',
  projectId: 1

/// Add cases to the run
await newRun.updateRun(
  caseIds: [1, 2, 3, 5],

Once the run is created, results can be reported by case:

final result = await newRun.addResultForCase(
  caseId: 1,
  statusId: 1,

// Optionally add a screenshot or other image to the result
await result.addAttachmentToResult(


Historical runs, cases, and sections can be retrieved:

final testCase = await TestCase.get(1);

final testRun = await TestRun.get(1);

final testSection = await TestSection.get(1);

About Dutchie

We’re not just building the future of shopping for cannabis, we’re building a culture of innovation, customer care, and challenge to the status quo.

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