Configuration.globalRunner constructor

  1. required bool? pauseAfterLoad,
  2. required String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
  3. required bool? runSkipped,
  4. required String? reporter,
  5. required Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
  6. required int? concurrency,
  7. required Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
  8. required Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
  9. required Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
  10. required Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes,

Runner configuration that is allowed in the global test config file.

This is per-user configuration and should be limited as such, it should not contain options that would change the pass/fail result of any given test, or change which tests would run.

Note that customHtmlTemplatePath violates this rule, and really should not be configurable globally.


factory Configuration.globalRunner(
        {required bool? pauseAfterLoad,
        required String? customHtmlTemplatePath,
        required bool? runSkipped,
        required String? reporter,
        required Map<String, String>? fileReporters,
        required int? concurrency,
        required Iterable<CompilerSelection>? compilerSelections,
        required Iterable<RuntimeSelection>? runtimes,
        required Iterable<String>? chosenPresets,
        required Map<String, RuntimeSettings>? overrideRuntimes}) =>
      customHtmlTemplatePath: customHtmlTemplatePath,
      pauseAfterLoad: pauseAfterLoad,
      runSkipped: runSkipped,
      reporter: reporter,
      fileReporters: fileReporters,
      concurrency: concurrency,
      compilerSelections: compilerSelections,
      runtimes: runtimes,
      chosenPresets: chosenPresets,
      overrideRuntimes: overrideRuntimes,
      help: null,
      version: null,
      debug: null,
      color: null,
      configurationPath: null,
      coverage: null,
      shardIndex: null,
      totalShards: null,
      testSelections: null,
      foldTraceExcept: null,
      foldTraceOnly: null,
      filename: null,
      presets: null,
      defineRuntimes: null,
      noRetry: null,
      testRandomizeOrderingSeed: null,
      stopOnFirstFailure: null,
      allowDuplicateTestNames: null,
      allowTestRandomization: null,
      jsTrace: null,
      dart2jsArgs: null,
      precompiledPath: null,
      globalPatterns: null,
      includeTags: null,
      excludeTags: null,
      tags: null,
      onPlatform: null,
      ignoreTimeouts: null,
      timeout: null,
      verboseTrace: null,
      chainStackTraces: null,
      skip: null,
      retry: null,
      skipReason: null,
      testOn: null,
      addTags: null,