TTMultiMapList<V>.fromIterables constructor

  1. Iterable<String> keys,
  2. Iterable<V> values, {
  3. KeyMapping keyMapping = identity,

Create a TTMultiMapList from Iterables of keys and values.

Throws Error if keys and values are not of same length.

Throws Error if any key in keys is empty after KeyMapping applied.


TTMultiMapList.fromIterables(Iterable<String> keys, Iterable<V> values,
    {KeyMapping keyMapping = identity})
    : super(
          (Iterable<int> runes, Random priorityGenerator, Node<V>? parent,
                  HashSet<RunePoolEntry> _runePool) =>
              NodeList<V>(runes, priorityGenerator, parent, _runePool),
          keyMapping) {
  _setFromIterables(keys, values);