setCameraZoomRatio method

Future<int?> setCameraZoomRatio(
  1. double value

Set the zoom factor (focal length) of camera (supports only the Android and iOS platforms)

The value range is 15. 1 indicates the furthest view (normal lens), and 5 indicates the nearest view (enlarging lens). We recommend you set the maximum value to 5. If the maximum value is greater than 5, the video will become blurry.


value Value range: 15. The greater the value, the further the focal length

Returned value. 0: success; negative number: failure


Future<int?> setCameraZoomRatio(
    double value // Value range: 1–5. The greater the value, the further the focal length
    ) {
  return _channel.invokeMethod('setCameraZoomRatio', {
    "value": value,