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Tencent RTC Flutter SDK

Leveraging Tencent's 21 years of experience in network and audio/video technologies, Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) offers solutions for group audio/video calls and low-latency interactive live streaming. With TRTC, you can quickly develop cost-effective, low-latency, and high-quality interactive audio/video services.

Demo quick start

Please see Demo Quick Start(Flutter)

SDK quick integration

Please see Quick integration(Flutter)

SDK class files

  • trtc_cloud-Tencent Cloud TRTC Core Function Interface.
  • trtc_cloud_video_view-Provides widgets for rendering video TRTCCloudVideoView.
  • tx_audio_effect_manager-Tencent Cloud Audio Effect Management Module.
  • tx_device_manager-Tencent Cloud Audio Effect Management Module.
  • trtc_cloud_def-TRTC key class definition Description: definitions of interfaceerated and constant values such as resolution and quality level
  • trtc_cloud_listener-Tencent Cloud TRTC Event Notification Interface.

Sample call


// Create TRTCCloud singleton
trtcCloud = await TRTCCloud.sharedInstance();
// Tencent Cloud Audio Effect Management Module
txDeviceManager = trtcCloud.getDeviceManager();
// Tencent Cloud Audio Effect Management Module
txAudioManager = trtcCloud.getAudioEffectManager();

2.Room entry/exit

// Room entry/exit
            sdkAppId: sdkAppId,
            userId: userId,
            userSig: userSig,
            roomId: roomId),
// Leave a room

3.Listener registration

// Register a listener
TRTCCloudListener listener = TRTCCloudListener(
    onError: (errorCode, errorMessage) {
      debugPrint("TRTCCloudListener onError errCode:$errCode errMsg: $errMsg");
//Remove a listener

4.Playing local video

// Parameters:
// frontCamera: `true`: front camera; `false`: rear camera
// viewId: view ID generated by `TRTCCloudVideoView`
    onViewCreated: (viewId) {
      trtcCloud.startLocalPreview(true, viewId);

5.Display remote video

// Parameters:
// userId: Specifies the userid of the remote user
// streamType: Specifies the type of video stream to watch userid:
//* HD big picture:TRTCVideoStreamType.big
//* Low definition large picture:TRTCVideoStreamType.small
// viewId: view ID generated by `TRTCCloudVideoView`
    onViewCreated: (viewId) {
      trtcCloud.startRemoteView(userId, TRTCVideoStreamType.big, viewId);

5.Display remote screen sharing

/// Parameters:
/// userId: Specifies the userid of the remote user
/// streamType: type of the remote user’s video stream to play:
///* Substream (screen sharing): TRTCVideoStreamType.sub
/// viewId: view ID generated by `TRTCCloudVideoView`
    onViewCreated: (viewId) {
      trtcCloud.startRemoteView(userId, TRTCVideoStreamType.sub, viewId);

How do I view TRTC logs?

TRTC logs are compressed and encrypted by default with the XLOG extension. You can set setLogCompressEnabled to specify whether to encrypt logs. If a log filename contains C (compressed), the log is compressed and encrypted; if it contains R (raw), the log is in plaintext.

  • iOS:Documents/log of the application sandbox
  • Android
    • 6.7 or below: /sdcard/log/tencent/liteav
    • 6.8 or above: /sdcard/Android/data/package name/files/log/tencent/liteav/