roomContentsEnUS top-level constant

Map<String, String> const roomContentsEnUS


const Map<String, String> roomContentsEnUS = {
  'host': 'Host',
  'roomName': 'Room Name',
  'roomType': 'Room Type',
  'roomId': 'Room ID',
  'roomLink': 'Room Link',
  'copy': 'Copy',
  'copyRoomIdSuccess': 'Room ID copied.',
  'copyRoomLinkSuccess': 'Room Link copied.',
  'exit': 'Exit',
  'member': 'Member',
  'mute': 'Mute',
  'unmute': 'Unmute',
  'openVideo': 'Open camera',
  'closeVideo': 'Close camera',
  'shareOn': 'Share',
  'shareOff': 'Stop',
  'chat': 'Chat',
  'unfold': 'Unfold',
  'drop': 'Drop',
  'invite': 'Invite',
  'float': 'Float',
  'setting': 'Settings',
  'inviteMember': 'Invite member',
  'freeToSpeakRoom': 'Free Speech Room',
  'onStageSpeakingRoom': 'On-stage Speaking Room',
  'me': 'Me',
  'roomOwner': 'Owner',
  'roomAdministrator': 'Administrator',
  'allMute': 'Mute All',
  'unAllMute': 'Enable all audios ',
  'disableAllVideo': 'Disable Video for All',
  'enableAllVideo': 'Enable all videos',
  'more': 'More',
  'searchMember': 'Search for participants',
  'requestOpenAudio': 'Request open audio',
  'requestOpenVideo': 'Request open video',
  'changeHost': 'Change Host',
  'haveTransferredOwner': 'The room owner has been transferred to xx',
  'ok': 'Ok',
  'disableMessage': 'Disable message',
  'enableMessage': 'Enable message',
  'kick': 'Kick out of the room',
      'If you do not want to end the room, please appoint a new moderator before leaving the room',
  'leaveRoom': 'Leave Room',
  'dismissRoom': 'Dismiss Room',
  'videoSetting': 'Video settings',
  'audioSetting': 'Audio settings',
  'videoResolution': 'Resolution',
  'videoFps': 'Frames PerSecond',
  'videoBitrate': 'Bitrate',
  'localVideoMirror': 'Local Mirror',
  'audioCaptureVolume': 'Capture Volume',
  'audioPlayVolume': 'Play Volume',
  'volumePrompt': 'Volume Prompt',
  'smoothDefinition': 'Smooth Definition',
  'standardDefinition': 'Standard Definition',
  'highDefinition': 'High Definition',
  'superDefinition': 'Super Definition',
  'allMutePrompt': 'Mute has been turned on',
  'allUnMutePrompt': 'All mutes has been lifted',
  'disableAllVideoPrompt': 'he banning of all paintings has been turned on',
  'enableAllVideoPrompt': 'The ban on painting has been lifted',
  'muteRoomReason': 'All on mute audio, unable to turn on microphone',
  'disableVideoRoomReason': 'All on mute video, unable to turn on camera',
  'muteErrorToast': 'Failed to mute.',
  'disableVideoErrorToast': 'Failed to disable video',
  'muteSuccessToast': ' agreed to the microphone access request.',
  'disableVideoSuccessToast': ' agreed to the camera access request.',
  'muteRejectToast': ' rejected to the microphone access request.',
  'disableVideoRejectToast': ' rejected to the camera access request.',
  'microphoneTurnedOffByHostToast': 'You were muted by the room owner.',
  'microphoneTurnedOnByHostToast': 'You were unmuted by the room owner.',
  'cameraTurnedOffByHostToast': 'The room owner disabled your video.',
  'cameraTurnedOnByHostToast': 'The room owner enabled your video.',
  'messageTurnedOffByHostToast': 'You were muted message by the room owner.',
  'messageTurnedOnByHostToast': 'You were unmuted message by the room owner.',
  'transferHost': 'Appoint a new host',
  'appointAndLeave': 'Appoint and leave',
  'screenSharingTip': 'You are sharing your screen...',
  'stopScreenShare': 'Stop screen share',
  'liveScreen': 'Live screen',
  'stopTUIRoomScreenShare': 'Stop TUIRoom screen sharing screen live broadcast',
  'cancel': 'Cancel',
  'stop': 'Stop',
  'doNotOpen': 'Not opened yet',
  'confirmOpenMicrophone': 'Open microphone',
  'confirmOpenCamera': 'Open camera',
  'microphoneInviteTitle': 'The owner invites you to turn on the microphone',
  'cameraInviteTitle': 'The owner invites you to turn on the camera',
      'After clicking Open microphone, your microphone will be turned on. You can also turn it off manually after speaking.',
      'After clicking Open camera, your camera will be turned on. You can also turn it off manually after speaking.',
  'roomDestroyed': 'The room has been destroyed',
  'kickedOutOfRoom': 'You have been kicked out of the room',
  'takeSeatInviteTitle': 'The host invites you to speak on stage',
      'The moderator invites you to speak on stage. Once on stage, you can turn on the camera and unMute yourself',
  'agreeTakeSeat': 'Agree take seat',
  'refuse': 'Refuse',
  'leaveSeat': 'Leave seat',
  'applyJoinStage': 'Join stage',
  'joinStage': 'Join Stage',
  'cancelStage': 'Cancel the stage',
  'takeSeatRequestAgreed': 'Succeed on stage',
  'takeSeatRequestRejected': 'Application to go on stage was rejected',
  'joinStageApplicationCancelled': 'Application for stage has been cancelled',
      'Current room type is raise hand room,please raise your  hand to apply take seat first',
  'inviteToTakeSeat': 'Invite to take seat',
  'inviteMemberToTakeSeat': 'Invite member to take seat',
  'kickOffSeat': 'Kick off seat',
  'stageManagement': 'Stage Management',
  'agreeAll': 'Agree to all',
  'disagreeSeat': 'Disagree to come on stage',
  'haveBecomeOwner': 'You are now a room owner',
      'Invitation to the audience have been sent to the stage',
  'takeSeatInvitationAccepted': ' is on stage',
  'takeSeatInvitationRejected': ' refused to go on stage',
  'otherUserScreenSharing': 'Other users have turned on screen sharing',
  'sureLeaveRoomTip': 'Are you sure you want to leave the room?',
      'Application has been sent, please wait for the owner/administrator to approve',
  'quickConference': '\'s quick meeting',
  'sureKickOut': 'Do you want to move xx out of the room?',
  'sure': 'Sure',
  'setAsAdministrator': 'Set as administrator',
  'undoAdministrator': 'Undo administrator',
  'haveSetUpAdministrator': 'xx has been set as room admin',
  'haveRevokedAdministrator': 'The room admin status of xx has been withdrawn',
  'haveBecomeAdministrator': 'You have become a room admin',
      'You have been set as an administrator by the host. Do you want to join stage immediately?',
  'revokedYourAdministrator': 'Your room admin status has been revoked',
  'joinStageImmediately': 'Join stage immediately',
  'noYetJoinStage': 'Not yet join stage',
  'leaveSeatTitle': 'Are you sure you want to step down?',
      'To get on stage again, you need to resend the application and wait for the owner/administrator to approve it.',
  'kickedOffSeat': 'You have been asked to leave stage',
  'allMuteTitle': 'All current and new members will be muted',
  'allMuteMessage': 'Members will not be able to open the microphone',
  'allDisableVideoTitle': 'All and new members will be banned from the camera',
  'allDisableVideoMessage': 'Members will not be able to open the camera',
      'After unlocking, users can freely turn on the microphone Dialog',
      'After unlocking, users can freely turn on the camera',
  'confirmRelease': 'Confirm release',
  'transferOwnerTitle': 'Transfer the room owner to xx',
      'After transfer the room owner, you will become a general user',
  'sureToTransfer': 'Confirm transfer',
      'This member has already received the same request, please try again later',
      'The current number of people on stage has reached the limit',
      'The invitation to xx to go on stage has timed out',
  'goOnStageTimeOut': 'Failed to go on stage, invitation has timed out',
      'Please exit the current meeting before entering other meetings',
  'haveNotEnteredRoomTip': 'You have not joined any meetings yet',
  'otherSettings': 'Other settings',
  'openFloatingChat': 'Open Floating Chat',
  'scheduleRoom': 'Schedule Room',
  'noRoomScheduled': 'No Room Scheduled',
  'userName': 'Your Name',
  'roomIdInputHint': 'Please input roomId',
  'nullRoomId': 'The roomId you input is null',
  'openCamera': 'Open Camera',
  'openMicrophone': 'Open microphone',
  'useSpeaker': 'User speaker',
  'temporaryRoom': '\'s temporary room',
  'startTime': 'Start Time',
  'year': '/',
  'month': '/',
  'day': '',
  'hour': 'hrs',
  'minute': 'mins',
  'roomDuration': 'Room Duration',
  'timeZone': 'Time Zone',
  'attendees': 'Attendees',
  'add': 'Add',
  'selectTimeZone': 'Select Time Zone',
  'selectAttendees': 'Select Attendees',
  'enterIdOrName': 'Enter userID or username',
  'allMembers': 'All Members',
  'selected': 'Selected',
  'people': '',
  'bookingSuccessfulTitle': 'Booking successful, invite members to join',
  'onGoing': 'Ongoing',
  'enter': 'Enter',
  'roomDetails': 'Room Details',
  'creator': 'Creator',
  'revise': 'Revise',
  'enterTheRoom': 'Enter Room',
  'cancelRoom': 'Cancel Room',
  'modifyRoom': 'Modify Room',
  'save': 'Save',
  'cancelRoomTitle': 'Cancel this scheduled room',
      'After cancelling, other members will not be able to join',
  'doNotCancel': 'Not Now',
  'minDurationToast': 'The duration of the room must be at least 15 minutes',
      'The start time cannot be earlier than the current time',
  'conferenceNameEmptyToast': 'Room name cannot be empty',
  'conferenceNameTooLong': 'Room name exceeds maximum length',
      'Room has already started, and it cannot be modified',
  'noAttendees': 'No attendees',
  'roomIdErrorToast': 'Failed to generate room ID.',
  'GMT': 'Greenwich Mean Time',
  'ECT': 'Central European Time',
  'EET': 'Eastern European Time',
  'ART': 'Argentina Time',
  'EAT': 'East Africa Time',
  'MET': 'Middle East Time',
  'NET': 'Armenia Time',
  'AFT': 'Afghanistan Standard Time',
  'PLT': 'Pakistan Time',
  'IST': 'India Standard Time',
  'NPT': 'Nepal Standard Time',
  'BST': 'Bangladesh Time',
  'MMT': 'Myanmar Standard Time',
  'VST': 'Vietnam Time',
  'CTT': 'China Standard Time',
  'JST': 'Japan Standard Time',
  'ACT': 'Australia Central Time',
  'AET': 'Australia Eastern Time',
  'LHST': 'Lord Howe Standard Time',
  'VUT': 'Vanuatu Standard Time',
  'NST': 'New Zealand Standard Time',
  'CHAST': 'Chatham Standard Time',
  'PHOT': 'Phoenix Island Time',
  'LINT': 'Line Islands Time',
  'SST': 'Samoa Standard Time',
  'HST': 'Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time',
  'MIT': 'Maxus Islands Standard Time',
  'AST': 'Alaska Standard Time',
  'PST': 'Pacific Standard Time',
  'PNT': 'Arizona Time',
  'MST': 'Mountain Standard Time',
  'CST': 'Central Standard Time',
  'EST': 'Eastern Standard Time',
  'IET': 'Indiana Eastern Time',
  'PRT': 'Puerto Rico Time',
  'CNT': 'Newfoundland Standard Time',
  'AGT': 'Argentina Time',
  'BET': 'Brazil Eastern Time',
  'FNT': 'Fernando de Noronha Time',
  'CAT': 'Central Africa Time',