TIMUIKitProfile({Key?key, requiredStringuserID, @Deprecated("[operationListBuilder] and [bottomOperationBuilder] merged into [builder], please use it instead")WidgetoperationListBuilder(BuildContextcontext, V2TimFriendInfofriendInfo, V2TimConversationconversation, intfriendType, boolisMute)?, @Deprecated("[operationListBuilder] and [bottomOperationBuilder] merged into [builder], please use it instead")WidgetbottomOperationBuilder(BuildContextcontext, V2TimFriendInfo?friendInfo, V2TimConversation?conversation, intfriendType)?, @Deprecated("This widget will no longer shows the personal info card and can not jump to personal info page automatically, please navigate to your custom personal info page manually and directly, you may refer to our demo")voidhandleProfileDetailCardTap(BuildContextcontext, V2TimUserFullInfo?userFullInfo)?, @Deprecated("This widget will no longer shows the personal info card and can not jump to personal info page automatically, please navigate to your custom personal info page manually and directly, you may refer to our demo")boolcanJumpToPersonalProfile = false, @Deprecated("This widget will no longer shows the personal info card and will not support to change self avatar, please navigate to your custom personal info page manually and directly, you may refer to our demo")OnSelfAvatarTap?onSelfAvatarTap, TIMUIKitProfileController?controller, ProfileWidgetBuilder?profileWidgetBuilder, List<ProfileWidgetEnum>?profileWidgetsOrder, ProfileBuilder?builder, boolisSelf = false, ProfileLifeCycle?lifeCycle, boolsmallCardMode = false})
The builder for the whole profile page, you can use this to customize all the element here.
Mentioned: If you use this builder, profileWidgetBuilder and profileWidgetsOrder will no longer works.
Deprecated: If allows jump to personal profiler page.
This widget will no longer shows the personal info card and can not jump to personal info page automatically,
please navigate to your custom personal info page manually and directly, you may refer to our demo.
Deprecated: Callback when clicking profile detail card.
This widget will no longer shows the personal info card and can not jump to personal info page automatically,
please navigate to your custom personal info page manually and directly, you may refer to our demo.
Deprecated: The callback when clicking self avatar.
This widget will no longer shows the personal info card and will not support to change self avatar,
please navigate to your custom personal info page manually and directly, you may refer to our demo.
[If you tend to customize the profile page, use profileWidgetsBuilder with profileWidgetsOrder as priority.]
The builder for each widgets in profile page,
you can customize some of it by pass your own widget into here.
Or, you can add your custom widget to the three custom widgets.
[If you tend to customize the profile page, use profileWidgetsBuilder with profileWidgetsOrder as priority.]
If the default widget order can not meet you needs,
you may change the order by this array with widget enum.