TIMUIKitChatConfig class


TIMUIKitChatConfig({void onTapLink(String url)?, TimeDividerConfig? timeDividerConfig, double desktopStickerPanelHeight = 400, StickerPanelConfig? stickerPanelConfig, bool isGroupAdminRecallEnabled = false, bool isAutoReportRead = true, String faceURIPrefix(String data)?, String faceURISuffix(String data)?, double textHeight = 1.3, int desktopMessageInputFieldLines = 6, bool isAtWhenReply = true, String notificationAndroidSound = "", bool isUseMessageHoverBarOnDesktop = true, bool isSupportMarkdownForTextMessage = false, String? notificationExt(V2TimMessage message, String convID, ConvType convType)?, bool isUseMessageReaction = true, bool isShowAvatar = true, bool isShowSelfNameInGroup = false, bool isAtWhenReplyDynamic(V2TimMessage message)?, OfflinePushInfo? offlinePushInfo(V2TimMessage message, String convID, ConvType convType)?, @Deprecated("Please use [isShowReadingStatus] instead") bool isShowGroupMessageReadReceipt = true, int upperRecallTime = 120, bool isShowOthersNameInGroup = true, UrlPreviewType urlPreviewType = UrlPreviewType.onlyHyperlink, String? notificationBody(V2TimMessage message, String convID, ConvType convType)?, String notificationOPPOChannelID = "", String notificationTitle = "", String notificationIOSSound = "", bool isAllowSoundMessage = true, @Deprecated("not support") List<GroupReceptAllowType>? groupReadReceiptPermisionList, @Deprecated("not support") List<GroupReceiptAllowType>? groupReadReceiptPermissionList, bool isAllowEmojiPanel = true, bool isAllowShowMorePanel = true, bool isShowReadingStatus = true, DesktopControlBarConfig? desktopControlBarConfig, bool isAllowLongPressMessage = true, bool isUseDraftOnWeb = true, bool isAllowClickAvatar = true, bool? isEnableTextSelection, List<MessageHoverControlItem>? additionalDesktopMessageHoverBarItem, bool isShowGroupReadingStatus = true, @Deprecated("Please use [isShowReadingStatus] instead") bool isReportGroupReadingStatus = true, bool showC2cMessageEditStatus = true, List<DesktopControlBarItem>? additionalDesktopControlBarItems, bool isAllowLongPressAvatarToAt = true, bool isMemberCanAtAll = false})


additionalDesktopControlBarItems List<DesktopControlBarItem>?
This list contains additional items that are displayed on the message sending area control bar on desktop (macOS, Windows, and desktop version of Web). Use desktopControlBarConfig to configure whether or not to show the default control items.
additionalDesktopMessageHoverBarItem List<MessageHoverControlItem>?
This list contains additional operation items that are displayed on the hover bar of a message on desktop (macOS, Windows, and desktop version of Web). These items are in addition to the default ones and do not affect them.
desktopControlBarConfig DesktopControlBarConfig?
This configuration is used for the control bar on desktop (macOS, Windows, and desktop version of Web). Use desktopControlBarConfig to add additional items to the desktop message sending area control bar, in addition to the default ones.
desktopMessageInputFieldLines int
Define the lines in the text message input field on Desktop.
desktopStickerPanelHeight double
Defines the height of the sticker panel on desktop platforms. If the height of the sticker list exceeds this container height, the sticker list will automatically become scrollable.
faceURIPrefix String Function(String data)?
The prefix of face sticker URI.
faceURISuffix String Function(String data)?
The suffix of face sticker URI.
groupReadReceiptPermisionList List<GroupReceptAllowType>?
Deprecated: not support.
groupReadReceiptPermissionList List<GroupReceiptAllowType>?
Control which group can send message read receipt. Deprecated: not support.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAllowClickAvatar bool
Control if allowed to callback after clicking the avatar. Default: true.
isAllowEmojiPanel bool
Control if allowed to show emoji face message panel. Default: true.
isAllowLongPressAvatarToAt bool
Controls whether users are allowed to mention another user in the group by long-pressing on their avatar. Default: true.
isAllowLongPressMessage bool
Control if allowed to show the message operation menu after long pressing message. Default: true.
isAllowShowMorePanel bool
Control if allowed to show more plus panel. Default: true.
isAllowSoundMessage bool
Control if allowed to send voice sound message. Default: true.
isAtWhenReply bool
Control if allowed to at when reply automatically. Default: true.
isAtWhenReplyDynamic bool Function(V2TimMessage message)?
Control if allowed to at when reply automatically. Default: true.
isAutoReportRead bool
Controls whether auto report message read status when new messages come. Default: true.
isEnableTextSelection bool?
Controls whether enable text selection. Default: true on Desktop while false on Mobile.
isGroupAdminRecallEnabled bool
Determines whether a group administrator is allowed to recall any message from any group member. If this capability is enabled, recalled messages will not be interoperable with Native clients and will only take effect on other Flutter clients.
isMemberCanAtAll bool
Determine whether the normal members can @All in a group chat. If enabled, normal members can @All in a group chat. If disabled, only the group owner or administrators can @All.
isReportGroupReadingStatus bool
Control if allowed to report reading status for group. Default: true. Deprecated: Please use isShowReadingStatus instead.
isShowAvatar bool
Whether shows avatar on history message list. Default: true.
isShowGroupMessageReadReceipt bool
The main switch of the group read receipt. Deprecated: Please use isShowReadingStatus instead.
isShowGroupReadingStatus bool
Control if allowed to show reading status for group. Default: true. Deprecated: Please use isShowReadingStatus instead.
isShowOthersNameInGroup bool
Control if others name in group chat. Default: true.
isShowReadingStatus bool
Control if allowed to show reading status. Default: true.
isShowSelfNameInGroup bool
Control if show self name in group chat. Default: false.
isSupportMarkdownForTextMessage bool
Controls whether text and replied messages can be displayed with Markdown formatting. Also, when enabled, isEnableTextSelection will not works. Default: false.
isUseDraftOnWeb bool
Specifies whether to use the draft feature on the Web, as the Chat SDK does not support this functionality. If enabled, draft data will be stored in TUIKit's memory. Note that the draft text will be lost upon refreshing the website. Default: true.
isUseMessageHoverBarOnDesktop bool
Controls whether enable the control bar shows when hovering a message on Desktop. Default: true.
isUseMessageReaction bool
Control if take emoji stickers as message reaction. Default: true.
notificationAndroidSound String
The notification sound in Android devices.
notificationBody String? Function(V2TimMessage message, String convID, ConvType convType)?
The body content shows in push notification. Returning null means using default body in this case.
notificationExt String? Function(V2TimMessage message, String convID, ConvType convType)?
External information (String) for notification message, recommend used for jumping to target conversation with JSON format, Returning null means using default ext in this case.
notificationIOSSound String
The notification sound in iOS devices. When iOSSound = kIOSOfflinePushNoSound, the sound will not play when message received. When iOSSound = kIOSOfflinePushDefaultSound, the system sound is played when message received. If you want to customize iOSSound, you need to link the voice file into the Xcode project, and then set the voice file name (with a suffix) to iOSSound.
notificationOPPOChannelID String
The channel ID for OPPO in push notification.
notificationTitle String
The title shows in push notification
offlinePushInfo OfflinePushInfo? Function(V2TimMessage message, String convID, ConvType convType)?
Configuration for offline push. If this field is specified, notificationTitle, notificationOPPOChannelID, notificationIOSSound, notificationAndroidSound, notificationBody and notificationExt will not work.
The callback after user clicking the URL link in text messages. The default action is opening the link with the default browser of system.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showC2cMessageEditStatus bool
Whether to display the sending status of c2c messages Default: true.
stickerPanelConfig StickerPanelConfig?
A StickerPanelConfig instance to configure the sticker panel's behavior and appearance. This includes options such as display settings, usage of specific sticker packages, unicode emoji lists, and custom sticker packages.
textHeight double
Used to set the line height of text messages
timeDividerConfig TimeDividerConfig?
Customize the time divider among the two messages.
upperRecallTime int
Determine how long a message is allowed to be recalled after it is sent. You must modify the configuration on control dashboard synchronized at: https://console.cloud.tencent.com/im/login-message. Unit: second. Default: 120.
urlPreviewType UrlPreviewType
The type of URL preview level, none preview, only hyperlink in text, or shows a preview card for website. Default: UrlPreviewType.previewCardAndHyperlink.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.