getFormFactor static method

DeviceType getFormFactor([
  1. BuildContext? context

Although specifying the BuildContext is optional, providing it can prevent layout issues when this widget renders immediately after the app launch. If this widget needs to be used at the moment the app launches, it's recommended to provide the BuildContext here.


static DeviceType getFormFactor([BuildContext? context]) {
  if (deviceType != null) return deviceType!;

  if (PlatformUtils().isWeb) {
    final win = WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher.views.first;
    final size = win.physicalSize;
    final screenWidth = size.width / win.devicePixelRatio;
    final screenHeight = size.height / win.devicePixelRatio;

    final diagonalInInches =
        sqrt(pow(screenWidth, 2) + pow(screenHeight, 2)) / 96.0;

    deviceType =  diagonalInInches < 11.0 ? DeviceType.Mobile : DeviceType.Desktop;
    return deviceType ?? DeviceType.Mobile;
    if(context != null){
      double deviceWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
      double deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;

      if (deviceWidth > FormFactor.desktop || deviceWidth > deviceHeight * 1.1) {
        deviceType = DeviceType.Desktop;
      } else if (deviceWidth > FormFactor.handset) {
        deviceType = DeviceType.Mobile;
      return deviceType ?? DeviceType.Mobile;
      return DeviceType.Mobile;