parseExtInfo static method
Parses the given ext
string to extract the userID and groupID.
The ext
string should be a JSON string with either of the following structures:
For a private chat: {"conversationID": "c2c_aaa"}, where "aaa" is the userID to be returned. For a group chat: {"conversationID": "group_aaa"}, where "aaa" is the groupID to be returned.
{"entity": { "action": 1, "chatType": 1, "content": "example content", "faceUrl": "example face url", "nickname": "example nickname", "sendTime": 0, "sender": "example sender", "version": 1 }} When chatType is 1, it's a private chat, and the userID is the value of the sender field. When chatType is 2, it's a group chat, and the groupID is the value of the sender field.
If the JSON parsing fails or the relevant information is not found, both userID and groupID will be returned as null.
The function first attempts to parse the conversationID format JSON. If the parsing fails, it then attempts to parse the new JSON format.
Returns a record containing the userID and groupID.
static ParseExtInfoResult parseExtInfo(String ext) {
String? userID;
String? groupID;
// ext = "{\"ext\":{\"entity\":{\"version\":1,\"action\":1,\"chatType\":1,\"sender\":\"@im_agent#online_shopping_mall\",\"nickname\":\"线上商城 Demo\"}}}";
try {
Map<String, dynamic> extJson = json.decode(ext);
String? conversationID = extJson["conversationID"] as String?;
if (conversationID != null) {
RegExp c2cRegExp = RegExp(r'^c2c_(.*)');
RegExp groupRegExp = RegExp(r'^group_(.*)');
Match? c2cMatch = c2cRegExp.firstMatch(conversationID);
Match? groupMatch = groupRegExp.firstMatch(conversationID);
if (c2cMatch != null) {
userID =;
} else if (groupMatch != null) {
groupID =;
} else {
Map<String, dynamic>? entity = extJson["entity"] as Map<String, dynamic>?;
if (entity != null) {
int? chatType = entity["chatType"] as int?;
String? sender = entity["sender"] as String?;
if (chatType != null && sender != null) {
if (chatType == 1) {
userID = sender;
} else if (chatType == 2) {
groupID = sender;
// ignore: empty_catches
} catch (e) {}
return ParseExtInfoResult(
userID: userID,
groupID: groupID,